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Monday, March 10, 2025

Blackman, Anthony, Burke set Short Course records


Nigel Simon Snr. Sports Reporter
1944 days ago

The trio of Nikoli Black­man, Zoe An­tho­ny, and Keryn Burke all end­ed with three new na­tion­al records of the 19 that were bro­ken when the four-day Am­a­teur Swim­ming As­so­ci­a­tion of T&T (ASATT) Na­tion­al Open Short Course Swim­ming Cham­pi­onship at the Na­tion­al Aquat­ic Cen­tre in Bal­main, Cou­va on Sun­day.

On Thurs­day's first night of com­pe­ti­tion, Black­man com­pet­ing in the 11 and Over Boy's event broke Mar­lins' club­mate Gra­ham Cha­toor's 2015 mark in the 13-14 age-group of eight min­utes, 51.23 sec­onds in the 800m freestyle with a time of 8:46.02 min­utes.

Fri­day saw the fall of five pre­vi­ous records led by Black­man's new mark in the 13-14 Boy's 1,500m freestyle with a time of 16 min­utes, 23.61 sec­onds, eclips­ing's na­tion­al hero George Bovell's 1998 mark of 16:23.85.

A Fa­ti­ma Col­lege stu­dent, Black­man picked up his third record when he touched the wall first in the Open 100m in­di­vid­ual med­ley in 1:01.68 to im­prove on Ma­lik Nel­son's 2018 clock­ing of 1:01.94.

An­tho­ny was up to her usu­al tricks, break­ing the 13-14 Girls and Open 100m in­di­vid­ual med­ley na­tion­al marks.

In the morn­ing heats An­tho­ny clocked 1:09.18 to bet­ter DeNicha Lewis' 13-14 record of 1:10.06 set last year while she al­so im­prov­ing on Kade­ja Phillips' 1:09.65 set in 2011.

And in the fi­nal, An­tho­ny then im­proved on her records again with a 1:08.88 time.

Burke of At­lantis Aquat­ics was the star of the day with three records in the 10 and Un­der Girls.

She first bet­tered her own time of 31.37 in the 50m but­ter­fly with a new mark of 30.95.

Burke then edged past Jah­mia Harley's time of 28.97 in the 50m freestyle with a 28.83 swim and then broke an­oth­er of Harley's top time in the 100m back­stroke (1:13.75 mins) with the best time of 1:12.20.

Cherelle Thomp­son of Ea­gles In­ter­na­tion­al broke a 19-year-old record held by Olympian Siob­han Crop­per (25.32 secs) in the 11 and Over Girls 50m freestyle in 24.89 sec­onds, in the process be­com­ing the first T&T woman to go un­der the 25 sec­onds-mark bar­ri­er.

Or­nel­la Walk­er of YMC To­ba­go al­so added her name to the list of new record-hold­ers when she outswam her ri­vals in the Gril's

18 and Over 200m back­stroke in 2:19.47, well ahead of Harley's 2018 mark of 2:21.72.

Amari Ash won the 11-12 Girls 50m breast­stroke in 34.77 sec­onds to im­prove on Zoe An­tho­ny's 36.34 sat last year.

Amelia Ra­jack of Tidal Wave Aquat­ics es­tab­lished a new top time in the 11-12 Girl's 1,500m freestyle in 19:17.46 min­utes, bet­ter­ing the 2014 mark of 19:41.31 pre­vi­ous­ly held by Sab­ri­na David.

Both Amari Ash (27.37) and Amelia Ra­jack (27.34) al­so bet­tered Naima Mil­lette's 50m freestyle time of 27.46 in sep­a­rate swims.

Cris­tiano Ri­vas of RWB Aquat­ics kept the record in the fam­i­ly when he erased old­er broth­er, Gio­van­ni Ri­vas 2018 record (1:09.06) in the 10 and Un­der Boys 100m but­ter­fly with a 1:08.67 tim­ing.

Liam Car­ring­ton of Petrotrin Bar­racu­d­as added his name to the list of new na­tion­al record hold­ers when he got home in 32.39 sec­onds in the 9-10 Boy's 50m back­stroke to bet­ter the 2018 mark of 32.74 which be­longed to Gio­van­ni Ri­vas.

Dar­ren Bel­fon of Point Fortin Aqua Darts' touched the wall in 32.63 sec­onds in the same event, al­so un­der the old record.

An­pherne Bernard of Tidal Wave Aquat­ics' im­proved on his new record in the 9-10 Boy's age group 100m breast­stroke con­test with a time of 1:20.96, to im­prove on his 1:21.03, es­tab­lished last year.

Eight-year old Asia-Marie Pouchet of Blue Dol­phins was in record break form in the 10 and Un­der Girl's 50m back­stroke when she end­ed sixth in 37.29 sec­onds which erased the Kim­ber­lee John-Williams mark for the Eight and Un­der girl's of 38.59 set in 2003

2019 In­di­vid­ual High Point Win­ners

10 & Un­der Women

1. Keryn Burke (At­lantis Aquat­ics) - 77 pts

2. Siena Jagdeo (Petrotrin Bar­racu­d­as) - 61

3. Lud­mil­la Guen­ther - (Fly­ing Fish) - 51

10 & Un­der Men

1. Liam Car­ring­ton (Petrotrin Bar­racu­d­as) - 73

2. Dar­ren Bel­fon (Point Fortin Aqua Darts) - 59

3. An­pherne Bernard (Tidal Wave Aquat­ics) - 55

11 & Over Women

1. Zoe An­tho­ny (Mar­lins) - 73

2. Or­nel­la Walk­er (YM­CA To­ba­go) - 41

3. Ja­da Cha­toor (Mar­lins) - 40

11 & Over Men

1. Josi­ah Parag (Blue Dol­phins) - 75

2. Nikoli Black­man (Mar­lins) - 56

3. Cadell Lyons (Point Fortin Aqua Darts) - 45

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