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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Browne doubles up in sprints

Sandy sets new na­tion­al record in fly­ing 200m


Walter Alibey
833 days ago

Kwe­si Browne dou­bled up last night in Caribbean Track Cy­cling Cham­pi­onships at the Na­tion­al Cy­cling Cen­tre (NCC) in Bal­main, Cou­va by win­ning the keirin fi­nal to con­firm him as king of the sprints in the re­gion.

His tri­umph in the keirin added to the match sprint ti­tle he won on Sat­ur­day night and the team sprint gold medal he claimed on the open­ing day. Browne al­so copped sil­ver in the men's elim­i­na­tion race ear­li­er in the af­ter­noon ses­sion yes­ter­day.

In a hot­ly con­test­ed fi­nal, Browne made sure af­ter the bell lap by sprint­ing well ahead of the field for the gold medal. He was fol­lowed in sec­ond po­si­tion by Cuban Lasa­da Gar­cia and third Lamin Wright of Ja­maica.

T&T's Samuel Mel­oney was al­so crowned the ju­nior re­gion­al keirin cham­pi­on as he got the edge in an all-T&T af­fair for the gold medal. Raul Gar­cia se­cured the sil­ver medal for sec­ond and Jarel Mo­hammed was third.

Mean­while, T&T's Tariq Wood's sprint­ed to the gold medal in the Elite Men's Kilo­me­tre Time Tri­al, to add an­oth­er tro­phy to his cab­i­net. Woods got the bet­ter Rolan­do Mendez of Cu­ba, tak­ing the sil­ver medal and Ma­lik Reid, who se­cured the bronze.  

His com­pa­tri­ot Phoebe Sandy was al­so at her ab­solute ear­ly yes­ter­day, but in­ex­pe­ri­ence pre­vent­ed her from what could have been a gold medal in the match sprint.

Ear­ly in the fly­ing 200 me­tres, Sandy pro­duced a scorch­ing 11.648 sec­onds to set a new na­tion­al record in the event, which con­se­quent­ly earned her a qual­i­fy­ing berth in the match sprint that fol­lowed.

But lat­er in the fi­nal, how­ev­er, she failed to cre­ate the fire­works ex­pect­ed against Ja­maican Dahlia Palmer, go­ing down in two straight rides to set­tle for the sil­ver medal.

Palmer, coached by for­mer T&T Cy­cling Fed­er­a­tion pres­i­dent Robert Far­ri­er, proved her worth with two bril­liant per­for­mances to hold off the Trinida­di­an for the gold medal.  

Tak­ing the track ear­ly yes­ter­day morn­ing for the qual­i­fiers, Sandy, who failed to medal the day be­fore in the Elim­i­na­tion Race at the same venue, pro­duced a blis­ter­ing 11.648 for the fastest time amongst the sprint­ers.

She held off the ex­pe­ri­enced Ja­maican who had set a time of 11.687 for the sec­ond-fastest time on the day, with Suri­name's Techana Dal­ger cross­ing the fin­ish line at 11.701, while an­oth­er T&T rid­er Adri­an­na Sey­ja­gat stormed home in 13.061 for the fourth-fastest time.

The quar­tet lat­er ad­vanced to the semi­fi­nal where Sandy got the bet­ter of her com­pa­tri­ot Sey­ja­gat in straight rides for her fi­nal berth. Palmer was al­so un­beat­en in her two rides in the oth­er semi­fi­nal con­test to book a show­down with Sandy in the fi­nal.

Browne, chas­ing his sec­ond gold medal to add to the match sprint ti­tle he won the day be­fore, was beat­en by Bar­ba­dos' Jamol East­man in a dash to the fin­ish in the fi­nal of the Elite Men's Elim­i­na­tion Race.

The T&T sprint­er showed courage to be among the fi­nal two rid­ers af­ter a string of elim­i­na­tions, but he ap­peared too ex­haust­ed to beat the recog­nised Bar­ba­di­an en­durance rid­er in the fi­nal dri­ve to the fin­ish line, there­by hav­ing to set­tle for the sil­ver medal.

T&T's En­rique De Co­mor­mand took the bronze medal in the event. 

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