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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Capital City Boyz held 1-1 byGrenades


Walter Alibey
126 days ago
Duane Muckette of AC Port-of-Spain (TRI), left, tussles with Sherman Augustin of Grenades FC (ATG) during the 2024 CONCACAF Caribbean Cup match at the Hasely Crawford Stadium in Port-of-Spain, on Tuesday. The match ended in a 1-1 draw.

Duane Muckette of AC Port-of-Spain (TRI), left, tussles with Sherman Augustin of Grenades FC (ATG) during the 2024 CONCACAF Caribbean Cup match at the Hasely Crawford Stadium in Port-of-Spain, on Tuesday. The match ended in a 1-1 draw.

Daniel Prentice

AC Port-of-Spain (AC PoS) gave a much-im­proved per­for­mance but was held to a 1-1 tie by An­tigua and Bar­bu­da’s Jen­nings Grenades in Tues­day’s (Sep­tem­ber 17) Con­ca­caf Caribbean Cup match at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo, Port-of-Spain.

The re­sult means the Cap­i­tal City Boyz who need­ed to win af­ter their 1-1 tie with Ounaminthe FC of Haiti and 3-2 loss to Mocha FC in the pre­vi­ous two match­es, would be at risk of not ad­vanc­ing.

Coach Walt Nor­ie­ga called on his charges to dig them­selves out of the hole they had put them­selves in, and the play­ers re­spond­ed ap­pro­pri­ate­ly with ear­ly pos­ses­sions but were stopped in the Grenades’ de­fen­sive third.

How­ev­er, it was the vis­i­tors who came close to the open­er, as roam­ing strik­er Daryl Ma­si­cot pulled off to re­ceive a through-ball on the left side of the AC PoS goal area, but his curl­ing at­tempt to the far post was held firm by Den­zil Smith in the sixth minute.

Sedale Mc Lean was guilty of sev­er­al missed chances in the open­ing half. First on a left-side cen­tre from over­lap­ping de­fend­er Jameel Nep­tune in the 10th minute, Mc Lean’s ini­tial at­tempt struck low on the left up­right with the goalie Zaieem Scott to­tal­ly beat­en. And when Mc Lean got the ball a sec­ond time, his pow­er­ful low shot was pushed wide by the Grenades cus­to­di­an.

Four min­utes lat­er, Mc Lean found him­self at the end of a Du­ane Muck­ette through ball, but again his rushed shot was scram­bled wide.

Mc Lean though did play a part in his team’s open­ing goal in the 21st minute, rac­ing on to a Muck­ette thread­ed pass but he could not reach the ball be­fore Scott. How­ev­er, Shack­iel Hen­ry fired in the re­bound for a 1-0 ad­van­tage.

Mc Lean again squan­dered an­oth­er one-on-one with the goalie in the 31st minute.

With the score un­changed when the teams re­turned from the break, Grenades got a gold­en op­por­tu­ni­ty to equalise in the 51st minute. Sher­man Au­gustin was sand­wiched be­tween two de­fend­ers, forc­ing ref­er­ee Trist­ley Bas­sue from St Kitts and Nevis to point to the penal­ty spot.

How­ev­er, sub­sti­tute goalie Mar­vin Phillip pulled an ac­ro­bat­ic save to push wide Quin­ton Grif­fith’s ef­fort and pre­serve the 1-0 score­line.

Grif­fith then hand­ed AC Port-of-Spain an op­por­tu­ni­ty to go two goals up by stamp­ing on the feet of Liam Burns in his penal­ty area in the 58th minute. But Muck­ette could not beat the out­stretched arms of Scott, who pushed his shot wide.

The in­tro­duc­tion of Mar­cus Joseph and Nathan Lewis for the Cap­i­tal City Boyz in­creased their fire­pow­er in at­tack but Scott stood be­tween them and the goal­post.

The game seemed to be head­ing for a 1-0 win for the home team un­til Sean Tom­lin­son charged in­side the box to head home a right-side cross in the 90+5 min­utes for a share of the points.

AC Port-of-Spain has now got­ten their sec­ond points in three match­es.


AC PoS 1 (Shack­iel Hen­ry 21st) vs Grenades 1 (Sean Tomin­son 90+5)

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