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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Cooper, Isaac record half-centuries in Women’s T20


Rachael Thompson-King
6 days ago

Brit­ney Coop­er and Ca­niesha Isaac scored half-cen­turies to earn Pow­er­gen Women their sec­ond straight win when ac­tion in the Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion T20 com­pe­ti­tion host­ed by the T&T Women’s Crick­et As­so­ci­a­tion (TTWCA), con­tin­ued on Sun­day.

Play­ing at Pow­er­gen ground in Syne Vil­lage, Pe­nal, the host team dom­i­nat­ed the match-up against Hi­bis­cus Ladies from the first ball win­ning by 81 runs. Pow­er­gen took the first strike and thanks to 68 runs off 52 balls from Coop­er and Isaac’s 40-ball 52 not out as the reign­ing league cham­pi­on pro­duced 154/6 in their 20 overs.

Am­ri­ta Ram­ta­hal was the best among the bowlers tak­ing two wick­ets for 18 runs while her fel­low bowlers, Sameera Naidoo (1-21) and Sha­nia Kistow (1-29) each took a wick­et for Hi­bis­cus Ladies.

Their re­ply last­ed the al­lot­ted 20 overs but fell way short of the 155 tar­get. The Hi­bis­cus team post­ed 73/7 with Chan­drantie Sum­rah the lead­ing bat­ter with an un­beat­en 15 against the reign­ing league cham­pi­on.

Down the oth­er end, Kim­ber­ly John (2-12) and Renelle Dook­ie (2-19) cre­at­ed prob­lems for the bat­ting side, each tak­ing two wick­ets while Jes­si­ca Willathga­muwa claimed 1-7 in the win for Pow­er­gen, who opened the com­pe­ti­tion with a 106-run vic­to­ry over AC Women.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of the West Women’s Crick­et Club (UWI WCC) was the oth­er team seal­ing a sec­ond straight win in the Di­vi­sion, de­feat­ing Play­ers Sports Club (SC) by a com­fort­able 105 runs at the UWI South Field in St Au­gus­tine.

San­damali Dolawat­ta ex­celled with the bat and ball for the win­ner. She scored a half-cen­tu­ry (53) from 48 balls when UWI WCC bat­ted first and post­ed 158/5 in 20 overs with sup­port from na­tion­al play­er all­rounder Lee Ann Kir­by with 32 and Ka­ma­ra Ra­goo­bar with 28.

Play­ers SC’s Mary Lofton led the bowl­ing with 3-28 and her team­mate Rachel Rad­haykissoon claimed 2-36.

In re­ply, Play­ers SC bat­ted the full 20 overs but could on­ly man­age 53/6. Gle­n­e­sia Dodough and Na­dia Mo­hammed were the main bat­ters with 16 and 15, re­spec­tive­ly, in a los­ing ef­fort.

Down at Beau­car­ro Recre­ation Ground in Mc Bean, Cou­va, AC Women sank to their sec­ond de­feat against Cal­drac Achiev­ers. Thanks to the ef­forts of bat­ters Shunelle Sawh (29 not out) and Re­an­na Far­row (22 not out) and bowlers West In­dies women’s Un­der-19 cap­tain Sama­ra Ram­nath (1-6), Maya Har­ry (1-15) and fel­low na­tion­al youth play­er Bri­an­na Har­richa­ran (1-16) the Achiev­ers opened the com­pe­ti­tion with a nine-wick­et win.

In the Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion, Crick­et Lovers team won both match­es at Dar­ren Gan­ga Recre­ation Ground while North Zone had mixed re­sults at Bri­an Lara Recre­ation Ground on Sam Bou­card Road in San­ta Cruz.

The Crick­et Lovers top­pled the Bren­da Solozano Crick­et Acad­e­my (BSCA) by eight wick­ets then nar­row­ly beat Vic­to­ria Crick­et Club (CC) by one wick­et. North Zone went un­der to league cham­pi­on Sital Young­sters by 10 wick­ets. The North Zone did get a win that af­ter­noon af­ter Moses Lendore Crick­et Acad­e­my (ML­CA).

Sum­marised scores

Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion

At Pow­er­gen ground: POW­ER­GEN WOMEN 154/6 (20 overs) (Brit­ney Coop­er 68, Ca­niesha Isaac 52 not out; Am­ri­ta Ram­ta­hal 2-18, Sameera Naidoo 1-21, Sha­nia Kistow 1-29) vs HI­BIS­CUS LADIES 73/7 (20 overs) (Chan­drantie Sum­rah 15 not out, Tu­mi­ka Pha­goo 13; Kim­ber­ly John 2-12, Renelle Dook­ie 2-19, Jes­si­ca Willathga­muwa 1-7). Pow­er­gen won by 81 runs.

At UWI South Field: UWI WCC 158/5 (20 overs) (San­damali Dolawat­ta 53, Lee Ann Kir­by 32, Ka­ma­ra Ra­goo­bar 26; Mary Lofton 3-28, Rachel Rad­haykissoon 2-36) vs PLAY­ERS SC 53/6 (20 overs) (Gle­n­e­sia Dodough 16, Na­dia Mo­hammed 15; S Dolawat­ta 2-7, LA Kir­by 1-4, Ka­jol Dal­gir 1-6). UWI WCC won by 105 runs.

At Beau­car­ro Rec Ground: AC WOMEN 67/5 (20 overs) (Jan­nah Mo­hammed 15, Arinel­la De­onar­ine 12 not out; Sama­ra Ram­nath 1-6, Maya Har­ry 1-15, Bri­an­na Har­richa­ran 1-16) vs CAL­DRAC ACHIEV­ERS 68/1 (11.3 overs) (Shunelle Sawh 29 not out, Re­an­na Far­row 22 not out; Shriya Jairam 1-22). Cal­drac Achiev­ers won by 9 wick­ets.

Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion

At Dar­ren Gan­ga Rec Ground

BSCA 87/6 (17 overs) (Amy Hold­er 2-10, Pauline Dufeal 1-13, Aman­da Ram­paul 1-18) vs CRICK­ET LOVERS 88/2 (7.4 overs) (Sha­nia Au­gus­tus 42 not out, Jane­ba Charles 16, A Hold­er 15; Bren­da Solozano 1-11, Ara­bel­la Phillip 1-20). Crick­et Lovers won by 8 wick­ets.

VIC­TO­RIA CC 89/6 (12 overs) (Chelsey Sookram 30, Amala Dur­gadeen 18; Amy Hold­er 2-9, Sha­nia Au­gus­tus 1-16, Sandy Williams 1-26) vs CRICK­ET LOVERS 91/9 (11.5 overs) (Sha­nia Au­gus­tus 49; Shan­ta Roopchn 4-17, Rose Ram­s­ingh 1-12, A Dur­gadeen 1-14). Crick­et Lovers won by 1 wick­et.

At Bri­an Lara Rec Ground: NORTH ZONE 74/9 (20 overs) (Nao­mi Ali 14; Nee­ta Bood­hai 3-12, Shan­matie Nowrang 2-12, Zaara Bhi­ki 1-12) vs SITAL YOUNG­STERS 77/0 (6.1 overs) (Crys­tal Hanslal 41 not out, Stechelle Hayling Jor­dan 23 not out). Sital Young­sters won by 10 wick­ets.

North Zone vs ML­CA. North Zone won af­ter ML­CA for­feit­ed.

Sun­day's match­es

Pre­mier­ship T20

Hi­bis­cus Ladies vs Cal­dracs Achiev­ers, Granville Recre­ation Ground, noon

UWI CC vs Pow­er­gen Women, UWI SPEC, St Au­gus­tine, 2 pm

Tech­nocrats vs Play­ers SC, TBC, 2 pm

Cham­pi­onship T20

Crick­et Lovers vs NZAC- Spring Vil­lage Recre­ation ground, 10 am

Sital Young­sters vs Vic­to­ria CC- Spring Vil­lage Recre­ation Ground, 2 pm

ML­CA vs BSCA, TBC, 2 pm

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