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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Costelloe, Ross to rep T&T at Commonwealth Games


Walter Alibey
1014 days ago
T&T triathletes Jenna Ross and Jason Costelloe.

T&T triathletes Jenna Ross and Jason Costelloe.

The team of Ja­son Costel­loe, the de­fend­ing na­tion­al cham­pi­on and Jen­na Ross will rep­re­sent T&T at the com­ing Com­mon­wealth Games in Birm­ing­ham, Eng­land, Ju­ly 28- Au­gust 8.

They were nom­i­nat­ed by the T&T Triathlon Fed­er­a­tion fol­low­ing a se­ries of time tri­als (swim, ride, run) af­ter which they had to com­pete for the top two spots in a sprint dis­tance triathlon (Above Av­er­age Fit­ness Triathlon).

In Eng­land the duo will par­tic­i­pate in the in­di­vid­ual event as well as the mixed re­lay event, while out­stand­ing ju­nior ath­letes Jean-Marc Grander­son and Kaya Rank­ine-Bea­dle will join Costel­loe and Ross on the re­lay team. Join­ing the team as Man­ag­er/Coach is Derek Daniel.

A re­lease is­sued re­cent­ly said, “The fed­er­a­tion is pleased to recog­nise this mo­ment in his­to­ry as this is the first time that T&T will be send­ing two in­di­vid­u­als and a re­lay team to the Com­mon­wealth Games. The mixed-re­lay event is one of the biggest at­trac­tions on the glob­al triathlon cir­cuit, its short course makes for a light­ning-fast event and it’s an event that the Games or­gan­is­ers have been pro­mot­ing.

The biggest names in triathlon will be at the Games, ath­letes such as triathlon’s most dec­o­rat­ed Olympian Jon­ny Brown­lee, the world and Olympic cham­pi­on Flo­ra Duffy, Olympic bronze medal­list Hay­den Wilde, for­mer world cham­pi­on and Olympic sil­ver medal­ist Geor­gia Tay­lor-Browne and Olympic gold and sil­ver medal­ist Alex Yee among many oth­ers.”

Over the last week­end Costel­loe claimed the win in the Sprint Triathlon while Ross showed her worth by win­ning the Olympic Triathlon at the Rain­bow Cup event in the sis­ter-isle of To­ba­go.

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