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Thursday, March 27, 2025

CYG 2023 works to begin at HC Stadium in March


812 days ago
Caption: Stakeholders tour the refurbishment works of Skinner Park Sporting Facility, San Fernando November 21, 2022, (from left to right in photo) Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, Randall Mitchell, Senior project manager - UDeCOTT Terrence Beepath, second from left, the Hon Shamfa Cudjoe, Minister of Sport and Community Development, second from right, and NCC  chairman Winston ‘Gypsy’ Peters at right. Background: Noel Garcia, chairman, UDeCOTT.  Picture courtesy MSCD

Caption: Stakeholders tour the refurbishment works of Skinner Park Sporting Facility, San Fernando November 21, 2022, (from left to right in photo) Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, Randall Mitchell, Senior project manager - UDeCOTT Terrence Beepath, second from left, the Hon Shamfa Cudjoe, Minister of Sport and Community Development, second from right, and NCC chairman Winston ‘Gypsy’ Peters at right. Background: Noel Garcia, chairman, UDeCOTT. Picture courtesy MSCD

Re­pair works at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo in prepa­ra­tion for this coun­try’s coun­try host­ing of the Com­mon­wealth Youth Games (CYG) to be held from Au­gust 4 to 11 is set to be­gin fol­low­ing the con­clu­sion of the 2023 car­ni­val cel­e­bra­tions on Feb­ru­ary 21, 2023.

This was stat­ed in a Min­istry of Sport and Com­mu­ni­ty De­vel­op­ment press re­lease to the me­dia yes­ter­day.

The re­lease stat­ed: The Min­istry of Sport and Com­mu­ni­ty De­vel­op­ment, the Sport Com­pa­ny of T&T, and the Ur­ban De­vel­op­ment Com­pa­ny of T&T met once again to fur­ther de­vel­op plans for host­ing both sports ac­tiv­i­ties and cul­tur­al events at the sport­ing fa­cil­i­ties un­der the Min­istry’s re­mit as ath­letes, na­tion­al gov­ern­ing bod­ies, and mem­bers of the cul­tur­al fra­ter­ni­ty con­tin­ue to be ac­com­mo­dat­ed at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um and Jean Pierre Com­plex un­til the end of Car­ni­val 2023.

The re­lease added: Con­struc­tion works are card­ed to take place at many sport­ing fa­cil­i­ties across the na­tion.

While works are in progress at the Dwight Yorke Sta­di­um in Ba­co­let, To­ba­go, the pro­cure­ment process is well on the way for the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um (Cou­va), and the scope of works is be­ing con­firmed for the Man­nie Ramjohn (Mara­bel­la) and Lar­ry Gomes (Mal­abar) sta­dia, and Skin­ner Park is sched­uled to be com­plet­ed and de­liv­ered be­fore the end of Jan­u­ary.

Dur­ing this quar­ter of the fis­cal year, the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um will be giv­en pri­or­i­ty since the ath­let­ics com­po­nent of the Com­mon­wealth Youth Games (CYG) 2023 will be held at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um lat­er this year.

Ac­cord­ing to the press re­lease: With re­fur­bish­ment works sched­uled to be­gin at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, the MSCD, SporTT, and Ude­coTT con­tin­ue to meet with stake­hold­ers to fi­nalise plans for host­ing both sports and cul­tur­al ac­tiv­i­ties un­til con­struc­tion works in­ten­si­fy at the end of Feb­ru­ary.

Health, safe­ty, and se­cu­ri­ty re­main the ut­most pri­or­i­ty to pro­tect all users of the fa­cil­i­ties, and stake­hold­ers must agree to com­ply with all health and safe­ty re­quire­ments and pro­to­cols, which may re­sult in in­creased costs and lo­gis­ti­cal chal­lenges for some or­gan­is­ers.

A meet­ing will be held with sports and cul­tur­al stake­hold­ers on Jan­u­ary 17, to fur­ther fi­nalise plans and dis­cuss health, safe­ty, and se­cu­ri­ty pro­to­cols for the util­i­sa­tion of the sport­ing fa­cil­i­ties where both sport­ing ac­tiv­i­ties and cul­tur­al events are fa­cil­i­tat­ed and ac­com­mo­dat­ed un­til the end of Car­ni­val 2023.

There­after, no ac­tiv­i­ties and events would be ac­com­mo­dat­ed at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um to fa­cil­i­tate con­struc­tion works that must be com­plet­ed in time for host­ing the Com­mon­wealth Youth Games 2023.

The Min­istry of Sport and Com­mu­ni­ty De­vel­op­ment is com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing sports and cul­tur­al ac­tiv­i­ties and re­mains ded­i­cat­ed to the de­vel­op­ment of these dis­ci­plines in the pur­suit of na­tion­al growth.

Last Sep­tem­ber, the chair­man of the or­gan­is­ing com­mit­tee Ephraim Ser­rette not­ed that the bud­get for the event to be host­ed both in Trinidad and To­ba­go will sur­pass $35 mil­lion.

In ad­di­tion to Ser­rette, the vice pres­i­dent of the TTC­GA, the lo­cal com­mit­tee which will al­so com­prise sec­re­tary gen­er­al An­nette Knott, TTC­GA over­see­ing the CGA Re­la­tions, Gabre Je­su Mc Tair, deputy per­ma­nent sec­re­tary (Ag.) of the Min­istry of Sport and Com­mu­ni­ty De­vel­op­ment (MSCD) while Ka­iron Ser­rette, head of part­ner­ships and al­liances, Sport Com­pa­ny of T&T (SporTT) will both lead the gov­ern­ment’s rep­re­sen­ta­tion, and pres­i­dent of the TTC­GA, Di­ane Hen­der­son on the five-mem­ber board.

The gov­ern­ment has al­ready com­mit­ted a fi­nan­cial sup­port of $35 mil­lion but we al­ready know that the host­ing of the event will now cost more than that fig­ure and we will be go­ing af­ter the sup­port of the cor­po­rate sec­tor of T&T to come on board with us.

This is go­ing to be a re­al­ly big event for us and I think that with the con­tin­ued sup­port of the sit­ting gen­er­al sec­re­tary, and the im­me­di­ate past pres­i­dent of the T&T Olympic Com­mit­tee Bri­an Lewis, we are in a very good place for the event to be a suc­cess.

For the CYG 2023, three sport­ing dis­ci­plines will be host­ed in Trinidad and four sport­ing dis­ci­plines in To­ba­go.

Ath­let­ics, Swim­ming and Cy­cling are sched­uled to take place in Trinidad, while Rug­by, Net­ball, Beach Vol­ley­ball, and Triathlon events are sched­uled to take place in To­ba­go, with net­ball be­ing the lone sin­gle-gen­der event for girls.

In Trinidad, the Na­tion­al Aquat­ic Cen­tre, and the Na­tion­al Cy­cling Velo­drome, both sit­u­at­ed in Bal­main, Cou­va, will be used for swim­ming, and cy­cling re­spec­tive­ly, while track and field have been shift­ed from the Dwight Yorke Sta­di­um in Ba­co­let, To­ba­go to the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo, Trinidad.

Ac­cord­ing to chair­man of the or­gan­is­ing com­mit­tee Ephraim Ser­rette, the switch of venues for ath­let­ics was due main­ly to the Mu­cu­rapo hav­ing a greater ca­pac­i­ty and is eas­i­ly ac­ces­si­ble to more peo­ple giv­en the lo­ca­tion in the cap­i­tal.

Over in To­ba­go, at Pi­geon Point Beach, the sport of beach vol­ley­ball is card­ed to be con­test­ed, while the triathlon events will be held in Buc­coo. It is not con­firmed which venues will be used for rug­by and net­ball.

Beach vol­ley­ball will in­clude 12 women’s and 12 men’s teams, fast5 net­ball will have eight women’s teams and the rug­by sev­ens will com­prise six men’s and six women’s teams.

It is ex­pect­ed that more than 1,000 ath­letes from 72 coun­tries be­tween the ages of 14-18 will par­tic­i­pate in the games.

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