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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Daniel wins NCAA Indoor long jump title with national record


Clayton Clarke
Texas University's Kelsey Daniel of Kaizen Panthers won the men's long jump gold medal with a national record leap of 8.16 metres at the NCAA Division One Indoor Track and Field Championships in Virginia Beach, Virginia on Friday.

Texas University's Kelsey Daniel of Kaizen Panthers won the men's long jump gold medal with a national record leap of 8.16 metres at the NCAA Division One Indoor Track and Field Championships in Virginia Beach, Virginia on Friday.

Kelsey Daniel cap­tured gold at the Na­tion­al Col­le­giate Ath­let­ic As­so­ci­a­tion (NCAA) Di­vi­sion I In­door Track and Field Cham­pi­onships when he he won the men's long jump ti­tle at Vir­ginia Beach, Vir­ginia in the Unit­ed States on Fri­day (March 14).

The Texas Uni­ver­si­ty fi­nal-year stu­dent land­ed the crown with a fifth-round ef­fort of 8.16 me­tres, a na­tion­al record. The Kaizen Pan­thers club mem­ber dom­i­nat­ed the field tak­ing the lead with his sec­ond-round mark of 7.97m. He then im­proved to 8.11m on his fourth leap to im­prove on the pre­vi­ous na­tion­al record of 8.03m set in his win at the Arkansas In­vi­ta­tion­al on Jan­u­ary 17. The Par­letu­vi­er res­i­dent then ex­tend­ed his na­tion­al mark to 8.16m in the next round to se­cure the ti­tle. Ok­la­homa's Nickaoli Williams was sec­ond (7.96) with Hen­ry Kinere of Arkansas (7.91) in third.

Daniel's NCAA tri­umph adds to his Na­tion­al Ju­nior Col­le­giate Ath­let­ics As­so­ci­a­tion (NJ­CAA) suc­cess in 2023 when he cap­tured the triple jump ho­n­ours whilst a stu­dent at New Mex­i­co Ju­nior Col­lege. The 2011 Ju­nior (Un­der-21) Pan Amer­i­can Games sil­ver medal­list was eighth in the long jump (7.51) and 11th in the triple jump (15.55) at the South East­ern Con­fer­ence (SEC) Cham­pi­onships at the end of Feb­ru­ary.

At the 2024 NCAA DI In­door Cham­pi­onships, he was eighth in the triple jump with 16.00m.

Na­tion­al men's in­door shot put and out­door dis­cus record-hold­er Christo­pher Craw­ford of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Al­aba­ma and Paris Olympic semi­fi­nal­ist Ohio State's Leah Bertrand (Sim­plex) were al­so in ac­tion at Vir­ginia Beach on the week­end.

Craw­ford, al­so of Kaizen Pan­thers, was 10th in the men's shot put fi­nals with a mark of 19.04m. The Pen­te­costal Light and Life Foun­da­tion grad­u­ate was shy of his na­tion­al mark of 19.41m achieved in Al­bu­querque, New Mex­i­co on Feb­ru­ary 1.

Bertrand was 13th in the women's 60m pre­lim­i­nar­ies. The T&T Olympic Com­mit­tee (TTOC) and First Cit­i­zens Sports Foun­da­tion Sports Per­son­al­i­ty for 2024 was sixth in heat one and missed out on the fi­nal by 0.09 sec­onds. The reign­ing na­tion­al women's 100m cham­pi­on es­tab­lished a per­son­al best of 7.19 on March 1.

T&T ath­letes re­sults


Long jump: 1st Kelsey Daniel (Texas, Kaisen Pan­thers), 8.16 (x, 7.97, 7.83, 8.11, 8.16, -)

Shot put: 10th Christo­pher Craw­ford (Al­aba­ma/Kaizen Pan­thers) 19.04


60m Pre­lims: 13th (6h1) Leah Bertrand (Ohio State/Sim­plex) 7.27

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