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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Delighted Mohammed poised to play historic 100th T20


Sports Desk
2316 days ago
Anisa Mohammed during Tuesday’s media conference ahead of West Indies’ second match of the ICC Women’s T20 World Cup.

Anisa Mohammed during Tuesday’s media conference ahead of West Indies’ second match of the ICC Women’s T20 World Cup.

GROS ISLET, St Lu­cia – Vet­er­an off-spin­ner Anisa Mo­hammed has point­ed to her record 100th wick­et in Twen­ty20 In­ter­na­tion­als as the high­light of her out­stand­ing ca­reer, as she pre­pares to play her 100th T20I when West In­dies clash with South Africa tonight.

The 30-year-old has tak­en 113 wick­ets from 99 T20 In­ter­na­tion­als and will join team­mate De­an­dra Dot­tin in the 100 club, once she is named in the XI for the Windies’ sec­ond match of the ICC Women’s T20 World Cup at the Dar­ren Sam­my Crick­et Sta­di­um.

Mo­hammed made his­to­ry when she took her 100th T20I wick­et in her 81st match two years ago dur­ing the suc­cess­ful Windies World Cup cam­paign in In­dia.

“[The high­light of my ca­reer was] def­i­nite­ly the 100th wick­et and that was in the last T20 World Cup in In­dia,” Mo­hammed told re­porters here Tues­day.

“It’s nice to be able to play a hun­dred T20 In­ter­na­tion­al games but it would be nice for us to win this World Cup and re­tain our ti­tle. That would be a great achieve­ment for us as a team.”

She added: “When­ev­er I step on the field I want to give it my best per­for­mance. Be­ing able to take a hun­dred wick­ets and break­ing that record – be­ing the first male or fe­male – it kind of hits you that you can do things that peo­ple thought you could nev­er do.”

Mo­hammed made her de­but in West In­dies’ first ever T20 In­ter­na­tion­al 10 years ago against Ire­land in Dublin, but iron­i­cal­ly did not bowl a sin­gle ball.

How­ev­er, she has since gone on to take three five-wick­et hauls, along with an amaz­ing hat-trick against South Africa last Sep­tem­ber dur­ing South Africa’s tour of the Caribbean.

T&t's Mo­hammed, who has al­so played over 100 One-Day In­ter­na­tion­als, said she had tried suc­cess­ful­ly to carve her own niche in the in­ter­na­tion­al game.

“I like to be my­self. From the time I start­ed I al­ways want­ed to make a name for my­self. I nev­er want­ed to em­u­late any­body else. Like I said, I want­ed to make a name for my­self and stand out,” she ex­plained.

“I love rep­re­sent­ing West In­dies. It’s one of the things I look for­ward to. It’s one of the rea­sons I en­joy wak­ing up every morn­ing.

“The girls on this team – we’re just not a bunch of girls who come to­geth­er from dif­fer­ent is­lands – we’re ac­tu­al­ly a fam­i­ly and I think that makes it a lot bet­ter to go out there and play as a team and that has been work­ing for us.”

Not a big spin­ner of the ball, Mo­hammed has re­lied on her un­err­ing ac­cu­ra­cy over the years for her suc­cess, and says she had fo­cussed on keep­ing her bowl­ing sim­ple.

“[It (ac­tion) has changed a bit over the past few years but off-spin is off-spin and you try to stick to the ba­sics and that’s what’s been work­ing for me over the years.”


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