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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Fatima's winning InterCol keeper Sealy dies


Walter Alibey
1176 days ago
Former Fatima College goalkeeper Glen Sealy

Former Fatima College goalkeeper Glen Sealy

Glen Sealy, a mem­ber of the Fa­ti­ma Col­lege In­ter­Col win­ning team of 1965, died on Mon­day at the age of 72 at Ville de Grange, France. He was the goal­keep­er.

His death has been a painful blow to the mem­bers of his team, in­clu­sive of for­mer 'Strike Squad' coach of 1989 Ever­ald 'Gal­ly' Cum­mings with whom Sealy shared a close friend­ship, Frankie Ma­habir, Roger Duprey, Rod­er­ick "Buffy" James, Glen Bil­louin and many oth­ers.

Cum­mings who could not hold back the tears on hear­ing of the pass­ing of his per­son­al friend who he con­sid­ered as a broth­er for 55 years, said: "Mon­day 3rd Jan­u­ary 2022 was one of the most painful days that I have ex­pe­ri­enced to date.

On that day my friend / broth­er passed away in Ville de Grange, France. A good morn­ing greet­ing on What’s App, as was my usu­al dai­ly rit­u­al to Glen, turned out to be my last when his son Gregg replied say­ing his Dad had just passed away an hour ago from a mas­sive heart at­tack af­ter para­medics spent al­most 40 min­utes try­ing to re­vive him.

It was such a shock­er that I had to con­firm by re­turn­ing the call im­me­di­ate­ly. Af­ter a brief con­ver­sa­tion with Greg, my wife and I could not hold back the tears. Be­ing the first to know, I then called Frankie Ma­habir (our old­est broth­er from our 1965 Fa­ti­ma Col­lege team) in New York to re­lay the sad news and so he could in­form oth­er team mem­bers with whom we re­mained in close con­tact."

Sealy's ar­rival be­tween the goal­post for Fa­ti­ma Col­lege was one of true de­ter­mi­na­tion, such was his love for the sport 'Gal­ly' said, as he rem­i­nisced about their stay at the school as well as their on-the-field ex­ploits.

" I first met Glen in 1965 at Fa­ti­ma Col­lege. We were in the same class so we saw each oth­er every day. He was very en­thu­si­as­tic about foot­ball and loved goal­keep­ing. He would chal­lenge me to one ver­sus one games in the emp­ty class­room us­ing as much scrap pa­per that we could find to make foot­balls. I would shoot on the vol­ley while he prac­ticed his re­flex­es. We con­tin­ued dur­ing break time on the school com­pound, us­ing what­ev­er was avail­able to kick.

And then we went to 1st Eleven train­ing on Fa­ti­ma’s foot­ball field af­ter school at 4 pm. We con­tin­ued train­ing on our own when­ev­er we had the time.

His first op­por­tu­ni­ty to play in an in­ter­col fi­nal came as a sub­sti­tute goal­keep­er in a game against QRC and he so­lid­i­fied that po­si­tion in the re­main­ing games against QRC in the semi­fi­nal and St Mary's Col­lege in the fi­nals. We went on to win the in­ter­col fi­nal against St Mary’s in 1965 for the first time in our school's his­to­ry af­ter a 14 year hia­tus."

Cum­mings, con­sid­ered one of this coun­try's best-ever foot­ball play­ers, has sent con­do­lences to Sealy's wife Marie, sons Greg, Gary, Ryan and Ja­son, his grand­chil­dren, his broth­er Gene, his un­cle Frank and all mem­bers of the vic­to­ri­ous 1965 Fa­ti­ma Col­lege in­ter­col cham­pi­on team.

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