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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Grand Slam Track unveils full lineup for historic Kingston slam


Sport Desk
9 days ago
Michael Johnson, the founder and commissioner of Grand Slam Track.

Michael Johnson, the founder and commissioner of Grand Slam Track.

NEW YORK – Grand Slam Track has of­fi­cial­ly re­vealed the com­plete ros­ter of 96 Rac­ers and Chal­lengers set to com­pete in the league’s in­au­gur­al event, the Kingston Slam, tak­ing place from April 4th to 6th in Ja­maica.

Head­lin­ing the Chal­lengers are glob­al track and field icons such as Grace Stark, Dalilah Muham­mad, Ac­k­eem Blake, Favour Ofili, and Do­minic Lob­alu.

How­ev­er, the event will be with­out two no­table Rac­ers, De­von Allen and Luis Gri­jal­va, who are side­lined due to in­juries. To fill their spots, an ad­di­tion­al Chal­lenger has been added to each of their re­spec­tive event groups.

The in­clu­sion of these ath­letes brings the to­tal num­ber of na­tions rep­re­sent­ed at the Kingston Slam to 22, un­der­scor­ing Grand Slam Track’s com­mit­ment to be­ing a tru­ly glob­al league.

“We’re thrilled to fi­nal­ize the line­up for our first-ever Grand Slam Track event,” said Michael John­son, the league’s founder and Com­mis­sion­er. “With 96 world-class com­peti­tors, the Kingston Slam will be a spec­tac­u­lar cel­e­bra­tion of speed and ath­leti­cism. We in­vite fans from around the world to join us in Ja­maica for what promis­es to be an un­for­get­table fes­ti­val of track and field at the Na­tion­al Sta­di­um.”

The league al­so con­firmed that Chal­lengers for up­com­ing Slams in Mi­a­mi, Philadel­phia, and Los An­ge­les will be an­nounced in the near fu­ture.

Men’s Short Sprints:

Ken­ny Bednarek, Fred Ker­ley, Oblique Seville, Zhar­nel Hugh­es, Court­ney Lind­sey, Ac­k­eem Blake, Ter­rence Jones, Joseph Fahn­bulleh.

Women’s Short Sprints:

Brit­tany Brown, Daryll Nei­ta, Melis­sa Jef­fer­son-Wood­en, Alana Reid, Ja­cious Sears, Tama­ra Clark, Favour Ofili, Kem­ba Nel­son.

Men’s Long Sprints:

Quin­cy Hall, Muza­la Samukon­ga, Matthew Hud­son-Smith, Jereem Richards, Bu­sang Collen Ke­bi­nat­shipi, Ver­non Nor­wood, Chris Bai­ley, De­an­dre Watkin.

Women’s Long Sprints:

Gab­by Thomas, Nick­isha Pryce, Alex­is Holmes, Mar­ilei­dy Pauli­no, Sal­wa Eid Nas­er, Di­na Ash­er-Smith, Tal­itha Dig­gs, Stacey Ann Williams.

Men’s Short Hur­dles:

Fred­die Crit­ten­den, Sasha Zhoya, Daniel Roberts, Or­lan­do Ben­nett, Hansle Parch­ment, Cordell Tinch, Cameron Mur­ray, Dy­lan Beard.

Women’s Short Hur­dles:

Ack­era Nu­gent, Jas­mine Ca­ma­cho-Quinn, Ma­sai Rus­sell, Cyré­na Sam­ba-Mayela, Danielle Williams, Grace Stark, Den­isha Cartwright, Alia Arm­strong.

Men’s Long Hur­dles:

Clé­ment Ducos, Al­i­son Dos San­tos, Caleb Dean, Roshawn Clarke, Ma­lik James-King, CJ Allen, Chris Robin­son, Trevor Bassitt.

Women’s Long Hur­dles:

Syd­ney McLaugh­lin-Lev­rone, Shami­er Lit­tle, Rushell Clay­ton, Jas­mine Jones, Shi­ann Salmon, Cathe­li­jn Peeters, An­drenette Knight, Dalilah Muham­mad.

Men’s Short Dis­tance:

Cole Hock­er, Josh Kerr, Yared Nu­guse, Mar­co Arop, Em­manuel Wany­onyi, Bryce Hop­pel, Neil Gour­ley, Mo­hamed At­taoui.

Women’s Short Dis­tance:

Jess Hull, Nik­ki Hiltz, Diribe Wel­te­ji, Mary Moraa, Nel­ly Chep­chirchir, Heather MacLean, Na­toya Goule-Top­pin, Su­san Ejore.

Men’s Long Dis­tance:

Grant Fish­er, Ronald Kwe­moi, Ha­gos Ge­brhi­wet, Coop­er Teare, Thier­ry Ndikumwe­nayo, Do­minic Lob­alu, Dy­lan Ja­cobs, Telahun Haile Bekele.

Women’s Long Dis­tance:

No­zo­mi Tana­ka, Tsige Ge­bre­se­la­ma, Agnes Ngetich, Elise Cran­ny, Hellen Ekalale, Whit­tni Mor­gan, Melis­sa Court­ney-Bryant, Ej­gayehu Taye.


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