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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Greaves wins silver at NCJA College & High School Champs


Sport Desk
316 days ago
T&T's Aidan Greaves shows off his silver medal won at the NCJA High Scghool and College Championships in Texas, USA on the weekend.

T&T's Aidan Greaves shows off his silver medal won at the NCJA High Scghool and College Championships in Texas, USA on the weekend.

T&T's Aidan Greaves clinched a sil­ver medal in the men’s un­der 81 kg cat­e­go­ry at the Na­tion­al Col­lege Ju­do As­so­ci­a­tion (NC­JA) Col­lege and High School Cham­pi­onship in Texas, USA on the week­end (April 6-7).

The ju­nior at Ful­s­hear High School in Texas who is af­fli­at­ed to the West­lake Ju­do Club showed ex­em­plary skill and ded­i­ca­tion at the event, held at Texas A&M Col­lege Sta­tion. He placed sec­ond be­hind Cuban Saul Gutier­rez Reinoso of Lang­ham Creek high School. In third place was Amer­i­can Gor­don Robins ((Wood­side Pri­o­ry School) while in fourth place was USA's Gon­za­lo Ramirez.

In round one, Greaves de­feat­ed Robins by ip­pon and fol­lowed up with a sim­i­lar vic­to­ry Ramirez in round two. In round three, 16-year-old Greaves lost by ip­pon to even­tu­al win­ner Gutier­rez Reinoso, who was un­beat­en through the three rounds.

Rep­re­sent­ing both his school and the proud na­tion of T&T, Greaves demon­strat­ed re­mark­able prowess and sports­man­ship through­out the cham­pi­onship. His achieve­ment not on­ly high­lights his per­son­al ded­i­ca­tion and com­mit­ment to the sport of ju­do but al­so brings ho­n­our to his school and coun­try.

The event served as a plat­form for as­pir­ing ath­letes to show­case their tal­ents and com­pete at the high­est lev­el of col­le­giate and high school Ju­do. The spir­it­ed at­mos­phere and com­pet­i­tive matchups cap­ti­vat­ed spec­ta­tors and un­der­scored the grow­ing promi­nence of ju­do in the col­le­giate and high school sports land­scape.

As the cham­pi­onship drew to a close, Greaves stood tall among his peers, em­body­ing the val­ues of per­se­ver­ance, ex­cel­lence, and sports­man­ship. His ac­com­plish­ment serves as an in­spi­ra­tion to as­pir­ing ath­letes and re­in­forces the im­por­tance of ded­i­ca­tion and hard work in achiev­ing suc­cess on the mat and be­yond.

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