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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Harpy Eagles soar to victory in West Indies Championship

Hur­ri­canes crush CCC


3 days ago
Tevin Imlach hit 113 for the Guyana Harpy Eagles against the Windward Islands Volcanoes.

Tevin Imlach hit 113 for the Guyana Harpy Eagles against the Windward Islands Volcanoes.

ST JOHN’S, An­tigua – The Guyana Harpy Ea­gles con­tin­ue their rich vein of form in the on­go­ing West In­dies Cham­pi­onship, as they chalked up their fourth win, fol­low­ing an im­pres­sive 10-wick­et vic­to­ry over the Wind­ward Is­land Vol­ca­noes on the third day of their en­counter at the Guyana Na­tion­al Sta­di­um.

The Lee­ward Is­lands Hur­ri­canes al­so en­sured they wrapped up their con­test against the Com­bined Cam­pus­es and Col­leges fol­low­ing a crush­ing 373-run win in­side three days.

At the Guyana Na­tion­al Sta­di­um, the Harpy Ea­gles out­classed the Vol­ca­noes in all de­part­ments, thanks large­ly to some stand-out per­for­mances from their top-or­der bat­ters, fol­lowed by some crafty bowl­ing from their spin­ners

Re­sum­ing their first in­nings at 159 for three, chas­ing 213 post­ed by the Vol­ca­noes, the Harpy Ea­gles on the back of a fine cen­tu­ry from Tevin Im­lach, post­ed 324 all out.

Im­lach, who was 40 overnight, bat­ted his way to his sec­ond cen­tu­ry of this year’s com­pe­ti­tion and his fifth first-class ton over­all.

The right-han­der faced 201 balls and hit eight bound­aries whilst adding cru­cial runs in part­ner­ships. He was the last wick­et to fall go­ing caught off medi­um pac­er Gilon Tyson.

Ke­mol Sa­vory with 49 and Ray­mond Perez 33, pro­vid­ed valu­able con­tri­bu­tions, against Tyson who was the pick of the bowlers with 3-51. Darel Cyrus chipped in 3-82, while Ken­neth Dem­ber al­so bagged three wick­ets which went for 3-92 runs.

Bat­ting a sec­ond time, the Vol­ca­noes didn’t do them­selves any favour fac­ing a deficit of 111 runs, as they were skit­tled out for 135, thanks to dev­as­tat­ing spells from left-arm spin­ners Gu­dakesh Motie and Veerasam­my Per­maul.

Per­maul start­ed the de­mo­li­tion by re­mov­ing open­er Je­re­my So­lazano for 17, then wick­ets be­gan to tum­ble as the Vol­ca­noes moved from 92 for three, to 135 all out, with the last sev­en wick­ets go­ing for 43 runs.

Kavem Hodge showed some re­sis­tance with 40 while Stephan Pas­cal made 22, but Motie was un­playable, claim­ing a sen­sa­tion­al 6-38, while Per­maul added three more wick­ets to his tal­ly.

Chas­ing a mea­gre tar­get of 28, the Harpy Ea­gles’ open­ers Matthew Nan­du 18 not out and Ray­mond Perez 10 not out, made light work of the to­tal, seal­ing a 10-wick­et vic­to­ry.

At the Sir Vi­vian Richards Sta­di­um in An­tigua, the Lee­ward Is­lands Hur­ri­canes de­liv­ered a mas­ter­class in their com­pre­hen­sive win over the CCC.In the mean­time, the clash be­tween the West In­dies Acad­e­my and Ja­maica Scor­pi­ons at Coolidge re­mains fine­ly poised head­ing in­to the fi­nal day, fol­low­ing a spir­it­ed per­for­mance from the Acad­e­my side on Fri­day.

Re­sum­ing day three at 110-2, the Ja­maica Scor­pi­ons held a com­mand­ing lead of 274 runs. How­ev­er, their in­nings un­rav­elled as they were bowled out for 191 in just 53.4 overs, set­ting the Acad­e­my a chal­leng­ing tar­get of 356 for vic­to­ry.

Bran­don King, who re­sumed on 58, added 19 more runs to his tal­ly, fin­ish­ing as the Scor­pi­ons’ top scor­er with a sol­id 77 off 115 balls, in­clud­ing 11 fours and two six­es. Javelle Glenn pro­vid­ed sup­port with a steady 39.

The Acad­e­my’s bowlers were in­stru­men­tal in turn­ing the tide with Joshua Bish­op lead­ing the charge with an im­pres­sive 5-35 from 15 overs, while Jo­hann Layne com­ple­ment­ed him with 4-50 from 16 overs.

In re­sponse, the Acad­e­my end­ed the day at 256-5 af­ter 59 overs, need­ing an­oth­er 100 runs to clinch vic­to­ry on Sat­ur­day’s fi­nal day. Car­lon Bowen-Tuck­ett 46 not out and Joshua Bish­op 25 not out, will re­sume at the crease.

The Acad­e­my’s chase got off to a shaky start as open­er Mbe­ki Joseph fell ear­ly for 14. How­ev­er, cap­tain Ac­k­eem Au­guste and Ted­dy Bish­op stead­ied the ship with a cru­cial 124-run part­ner­ship for the sec­ond wick­et.

Bish­op con­tributed a well-craft­ed 57 off 87 balls, in­clud­ing eight fours, be­fore be­ing dis­missed. Au­guste con­tin­ued to an­chor the in­nings, scor­ing a flu­ent 77 off 108 balls, fea­tur­ing nine fours and a six, be­fore falling to Brad Barnes with the score at 173.

Ri­val­do Clarke 10 and Jor­dan John­son 12 were the oth­er bats­men to de­part be­fore stumps. Barnes and Ojay Shields have been the pick of the Scor­pi­ons’ bowlers, shar­ing four wick­ets be­tween them.

Re­sum­ing their sec­ond in­nings on 94 for one with a 349 run lead, the Hur­ri­canes de­clared their sec­ond in­nings on 249 for sev­en,and set CCC a whop­ping 505 runs to win.

Jew­el An­drew picked up where he left off, fol­low­ing up his first in­nings cen­tu­ry with a dogged 65. Jah­mar Hamil­ton chipped in with 42 not out against three wick­ets each for Chemar Hold­er and Akeem Jor­dan.

Set an im­prob­a­ble tar­get, CCC col­lapsed to 131-9 in their sec­ond in­nings. Kyle Corbin 58 not out, fought valiant­ly, but the speedy Os­hane Thomas with a ca­reer-best 5-36 and Alzarri Joseph 3-19, en­sured there was no es­cape for Col­lege men.


Sum­marised scores

At the Guyana Na­tion­al Sta­di­um in Guyana: Guyana Harpy Ea­gles de­feat the Wind­ward Is­lands Vol­ca­noes by 10 wick­ets

HARPY EA­GLES 324 in 83.2 overs (Tevin Im­lach 113, Ke­mol Sa­vory 49, Ray­mond Perez 33; Gilon Tyson 3-51, Darel Cyrus 3-82, Ken­neth Dem­ber 3-92) & 28-0 in 4.3 overs (Matthew Nan­du 18 not out, Ray­mond Perez 10 not out).

VOL­CA­NOES 213 in 61.5 overs (Je­re­my Solozano 83, Al­ick Athanaze 39, Sunil Am­bris 33, Kavem Hodge 17, Shadrack Descarte 15; Veerasam­my Per­maul 4-55, Gu­dakesh Motie 3-44, Kevin Sin­clair 2-54) & 135 in 47.5 (Kavem Hodge 40, Stephan Pas­cal 22. Gu­dakesh Motie 6-38, Veerasam­my Per­maul 3-46.

At Sir Vi­vian Richards Sta­di­um in An­tigua: Lee­ward Is­lands Hur­ri­canes de­feat CCC by 373 runs

HUR­RI­CANES 425 in 98.5 overs (Jew­el An­drew 122, Justin Greaves 104, Kari­ma Gore 65, Kadeem Hen­ry 35, Alzarri Joseph 19, Jah­mar Hamil­ton 15, Kea­cy Car­ty 14, Rah­keem Corn­wall 10; Chemar Hold­er 5-107, Akeem Jor­dan 3-77) & 249-7 dec’d in 53 overs (Jew­el An­drew 65, Jah­mar Hamil­ton 42 not out, Kadeem Hen­ry 41, Mikyle Louis 39).

CCC 170-9 dec’d in 44 overs (Ro­mario Greaves 39 not out, Jo­hann Je­re­mi­ah 31, Chemar Hold­er 26, Kier­an Pow­ell 25, Kalvin Mar­cus 10 not out, Kyle Corbin 10; Alzarri Joseph 6-35, Justin Greaves 2-13) & 131-9 in 43.1 (Kyle Corbin 58 not out, Chemar Hold­er 25; Os­hane Thomas 5-36, Alzarri Joseph 3-19).

At Coolidge Crick­et Ground in An­tigua: West In­dies Acad­e­my re­quires 100 runs to beat the Ja­maica Scor­pi­ons with 5 wick­ets re­main­ing.

SCOR­PI­ONS 375 in 95.2 overs (John Camp­bell 101, Javelle Glenn 68, Odean Smith 51, Brad Barnes 50, Jer­maine Black­wood 31, Jeav­or Roy­al 30, Bran­don King 14; Je­di­ah Blades 4-64, Akeem Au­guste 2-45) & 191 in 53.4 overs (Bran­don King 77, Javelle Glenn 39, Kirk McKen­zie 19; Joshua Bish­op 5-35, Jo­hann Layne 4-50).

WI ACAD­E­MY 211 in 46.5 overs (Car­lon Bowen-Tuck­ett 57, Mbe­ki Joseph 54, Ted­dy Bish­op 30, Je­di­ah Blades 22, Jor­dan John­son 16, Ri­val­do Clarke 10, Joshua Bish­op 10; Brad Barnes 3-25, Ojay Shields 3-40, Mar­quino Mind­ley 2-32) & 256-5 in 59 over (Akeem Au­guste 77, Ted­dy Bish­op 57, Car­lon Bowen-Tuck­ett 46 not out, Joshua Bish­op 25 not out; Ojay Shields 2-31, Brad Barnes 2-70).

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