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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Harvard Club provides home away from home


Brian Lewis
472 days ago
Brian Lewis Things That Matter Logo NEW

Brian Lewis Things That Matter Logo NEW

"I must ad­mit that Har­vard taught me a great deal. It's a great Club for men­tor­ing. It was there I got my so­cial ground­ing as a boy. And I would for­ev­er be grate­ful for the Club for the role it played in my life." - Neil Sha­ka His­lop.

An in­ter­na­tion­al col­league shared a quote with me: "Af­ter all has been said and done, more has been said than done."

We were hav­ing a con­ver­sa­tion about is­sues of in­equal­i­ty and so­cial in­jus­tices and our shared pas­sion for find­ing so­lu­tions. It was an ear­ly Mon­day morn­ing con­ver­sa­tion, giv­en the time dif­fer­ence be­tween UK and T&T.

That con­ver­sa­tion was the im­pe­tus for de­cid­ing to ref­er­ence and use ex­cerpts from my ad­dress at the Har­vard Club 80th An­niver­sary Din­ner held on Sat­ur­day at the Har­vard Club. I had opened my ad­dress with the Sha­ka His­lop quote.

The Har­vard Club is a Trinidad and To­ba­go cul­tur­al, sports and so­cial in­sti­tu­tion with re­al his­to­ry built, main­tained and sus­tained by the pride and pas­sion of its mem­bers over the past 80 years - that's 29,200 days; 700,800 hours; 42.48 mil­lion min­utes; 2.52 bil­lion sec­onds of per­sis­tence, per­se­ver­ance, re­silience, com­mit­ment, ded­i­cat­ed vol­un­teerism - day in, day out.

In 1943, the club, was es­tab­lished at an im­por­tant junc­ture in the his­to­ry of T&T. The found­ing mem­bers had a ground-break­ing vi­sion and mis­sion for the so­cial and cul­tur­al im­pact of the Har­vard Club at a time when the elite and ex­clu­sive sym­bols of the so­cial or­der of T&T's so­ci­ety was shaped by the po­lit­i­cal, eco­nom­ic and so­cial or­der of colo­nial­ism, World War 2 and the Amer­i­can Base.

For 80 years - Three score years and 20 - Har­vard has been A HOME AWAY FROM HOME. A trust­ed sec­ond home for ap­prox­i­mate­ly 16,000 chil­dren and youth, who par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Har­vard Club clin­ics over the years.

Bun­ty Lara, the fa­ther of a then 13-year-old Bri­an Lara once told In­dar Ram­loogam: "In­dy take care of my son. I am leav­ing him in your hands." An ex­pres­sion of TRUST sim­i­lar­ly ex­pressed by thou­sands of par­ents and grand­par­ents over the years.

"Har­vard take care of my child. I am leav­ing them in your hands."

As Har­vard heads in­to the dawn of a new age and era the club must con­tin­ue to be a pi­o­neer­ing and sig­nif­i­cant con­trib­u­tor to na­tion­al de­vel­op­ment. Trust must re­main a pil­lar val­ue for the club.

In 20 years, Har­vard will cel­e­brate 100 years. Over the next 20 years to 2043, the cur­rent cus­to­di­ans and stew­ards, must with courage, pur­sue strate­gic pri­or­i­ties and un­der­take im­por­tant ini­tia­tives while ac­cept­ing the re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for build­ing on the club's found­ing phi­los­o­phy and ide­ol­o­gy. The club has al­ways been a bea­con of hope, in­clu­siv­i­ty and op­por­tu­ni­ty.

Cre­at­ing more than just ex­cel­lence in sports, Har­vard was in­tend­ed to be more than just a sports club. The club takes as much pride in its Har­vard Harps steel­band, ca­lyp­so shows and culi­nary fund rais­ers as it does its suc­cess on the field of play.

For 80 years, the Har­vard Club way is - when all is said and done, more is done than said.

Mak­ing a pos­i­tive dif­fer­ence in the lives of chil­dren and youth with sports and cul­ture is what Har­vard is about. That both Sha­ka His­lop and Bri­an Lara are hon­orary mem­bers of the Har­vard Club is a tes­ta­ment to the role, Har­vard played in their for­ma­tive years.

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