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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Holy Name, Five Rivers complete perfect season for Big 5 spots


Walter Alibey
845 days ago
Striker Calypso Ayoung, second from left middle row, poses with her Holy Name Convent teammates and staff, who emerged the champion of the North Zone in the Girls’ Championships Division in the Tiger Tanks Secondary Schools Football League at Fatima College ground in Port-of-Spain, yesterday. Holy Name won title after opponent Diego Martin Central forfeited their final match yesterday.

Striker Calypso Ayoung, second from left middle row, poses with her Holy Name Convent teammates and staff, who emerged the champion of the North Zone in the Girls’ Championships Division in the Tiger Tanks Secondary Schools Football League at Fatima College ground in Port-of-Spain, yesterday. Holy Name won title after opponent Diego Martin Central forfeited their final match yesterday.

Courtesy Ronald Daniel

Holy Name Con­vent in Port-of-Spain and Five Rivers Sec­ondary on Sunday com­plet­ed per­fect sea­sons, win­ning all 10 match­es for a to­tal of 30 points to ad­vance to the Tiger Tanks-spon­sored  Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) Girls Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion Big Five Play-Off.

The North­ern­ers were sched­uled to face Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral in their fi­nal match of the sea­son at Fa­ti­ma Col­lege ground in Port-of-Spain, and they re­ceived full points with­out even a ball be­ing kicked, as Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral failed to show up for the en­counter.

Alana Ramdeen, the Holy Name man­ager­ess, was elat­ed yes­ter­day as her pre­dic­tion of be­ing the team from the north zone to qual­i­fy for the Big 5 came through.

Al­so yes­ter­day in the north, St Joseph’s Con­vent got four goals from Kait­lyn Dar­went and three from Emi­ly Nan­ton in de­stroy­ing Bish­op Anstey High, Port-of-Spain, 7-2, at their home ground in St Clair for the sec­ond spot on the stand­ings with 24 points.

Joan­na Kennedy was the scor­er of the Bish­op’s two goals.

The Holy Name out­fit now joins Five Rivers Sec­ondary, the on­ly oth­er team with a 100 per cent record this sea­son.

Yes­ter­day, the Arou­ca girls edged San Juan North, 2-1, away to re­ceive a max­i­mum of 30 points.

Their clos­est chal­lenger, Bish­op Anstey East, main­tained its sec­ond-place po­si­tion on the stand­ings with 16 points af­ter a con­vinc­ing 7-3 vic­to­ry over St Au­gus­tine.

The win came cour­tesy of a beaver-trick (four goals) from the pro­lif­ic Orielle Mar­tin and a dou­ble from an equal­ly tal­ent­ed Megan Brig­gs. The oth­er goal was scored by Emi­ly Har­ri­lal. 

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