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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Lee Svelty/Nescafe Women's golf champ


2570 days ago

Yeji Lee was crowned the 2018 cham­pi­on of the 30th Edi­tion of the Nes­tle Svel­ty/Nescafe Dolce Gus­to Ladies Open Golf Cham­pi­onship that con­clud­ed on Sun­day at the St An­drews Golf Course, Mo­ka Mar­aval.

The young­ster, af­ter reg­is­ter­ing a vic­to­ry ear­li­er this year, added to her achieve­ments by shoot­ing a gross 160 (82,78) which en­sured she fin­ished three shots clear of close ri­vals Aleema Jack and Ser­e­na Macken­zie at the end of the 36-hole com­pe­ti­tion.

She was al­so the on­ly play­er to reg­is­ter a sub-80 round in the two-day com­pe­ti­tion which was di­vid­ed in­to three flights to ac­com­mo­date all lev­els of golfers.

Af­ter strong show­ers and in­ter­mit­tent rain ear­li­er in the week, the sun and wind were a wel­come re­lief for the play­ers, but the course con­di­tions were still test­ing with wet fair­ways and greens that were dif­fi­cult to read.

Both Yeji and Ser­e­na were tied at the top af­ter the first day, with Aleema just one shot be­hind. The scores were close for most of the sec­ond day when Macken­zie drove in­to the left rough on the 14th hole and had to take a penal­ty drop and fell out of the lead.

The three top play­ers are bid­ding for a place on the T&T team for re­gion­al com­pe­ti­tion lat­er this year. Ka­ri­na Mata­bal took the net prize in this di­vi­sion.

In the oth­er di­vi­sions, Sam­my Nakan­jako, a new­com­er to lo­cal golf, took the 2nd flight by three shots from Jen­nifer Grainger. Two very young ju­niors dom­i­nat­ed the 3rd flight, where 12 year old Chloe Ajod­ha took the win­ner’s ho­n­ours, fol­lowed by Caylinn Ho­sein, an­oth­er promis­ing young­ster. The two are ex­pect­ed to move up the ranks in the com­ing year.

The prizes were dis­trib­uted by rep­re­sen­ta­tives of Nes­tle Calvin Ben­jamin, Busi­ness Ex­ec­u­tive Of­fi­cer, Rae Ann Harp­er, Brand Man­ag­er, Nescafe Dolce Gus­to and Marc Clarke, Nes­tle Brand Ac­ti­va­tion Of­fi­cer.

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