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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Maxwell, Phillip out muscle field at Clinton Sammy Bodybuilding Classic


Clayton Clarke
482 days ago

Stephan Maxwell stole the spot­light at the 30th Clin­ton Sam­my Body­build­ing Clas­sic at the Na­pari­ma Boys' Col­lege Au­di­to­ri­um in San Fer­nan­do on Sat­ur­day (No­vem­ber 11). Maxwell won the Mid­dleweight class, the Clas­sic Physique di­vi­sion and the over­all ti­tle.

The Ch­agua­nas res­i­dent took the Mid­dleweight and the Clas­sic Physique cat­e­gories beat­ing out Ger­val John for the top spot each time. He then squared off against the Light­weight cham­pi­on Cypri­an Wallen and the Heavy­weight vic­tor Bar­ry Her­nan­dez for the over­all crown. He pre­vailed af­ter the trio flexed their bi­ceps, tri­ceps, back lats, abs and thigh pos­es to the judges.

It was a suc­cess­ful night for Kali­fa Phillip, who took the Miss Biki­ni Open crown ahead of Pe­nal's An­drea Mo­hess.

Wes­ley Gra­ham beat out a field of six to take the Men's Physique top prize with Helmis Es­calana tak­ing sec­ond and Ko­r­rie John in third.

The Clin­ton Sam­my Clas­sic made a re­turn to the lo­cal body­build­ing cal­en­dar for the first time since 2019.

Or­gan­is­er of the meet Clin­ton Sam­my made a guest ap­pear­ance at the show rem­i­nis­cent of days as a com­peti­tor. The Clas­sic start­ed over one hour late.



Miss Biki­ni Open: 1 Kali­fa Phillip; 2 An­drea Mo­hess


Over­all: 1 Stephan Maxwell (Mid­weight); 2 Bar­ry Her­nan­dez (Heavy­weight); 3 Cypri­an Wallen (Light­weight)

Light­weight: 1 Cypri­an Wallen; 2 Michael O'Gar­ro

Mid­dleweight: 1 Stephan Maxwell; 2 Ger­val John

Heavy­weight:1 Bar­ry Her­nan­dez; 2 Ri­car­do An­tho­ny Steeple

Physique Open: 1 Wes­ley Gra­ham, 2 Helmis Escalona; 3 Ko­r­rie John; 4 An­cil Bachan; 5 Dex­er Rahim; 6 Jerod Bak­er

Clas­sic Physique Open: 1 Stephan Max­ell; 2 Ger­val John

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