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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Molino to miss 6-8 weeks through injury


Sport Desk
731 days ago
T&T midfielder Kevin Molino

T&T midfielder Kevin Molino

T&T So­ca War­riors and US Ma­jor League Soc­cer's Colum­bus Crew for­ward Kevin Moli­no's aw­ful luck with knee in­juries has con­tin­ued, with the club an­nounc­ing on Tues­day that the mid­field­er will be out six to eight weeks af­ter un­der­go­ing a menis­cec­to­my.

The 32-year-old, who has suf­fered three torn ACLs, made sub­sti­tute ap­pear­ances in the Crew's first three match­es of the 2023 sea­son be­fore get­ting the pro­ce­dure last week.

A for­mer Unit­ed Soc­cer League Cham­pi­onship ti­tle win­ner play­er at Or­lan­do City, Moli­no missed the Crew's 2-1 Match­day 4 loss at the New York Red Bulls, as did fel­low at­tack­ers Cu­cho Hernán­dez (ham­string) and Chris­t­ian Ramírez, a win­ter sign­ing who has yet to make his de­but due to a foot in­jury.

Moli­no joined Colum­bus Crew as a free agent in 2021, suf­fer­ing his most re­cent ACL tear that sea­son.

Pri­or to join­ing the Colum­bus Crew the Care­nage-born vet­er­an had pro­duc­tive stints with Min­neso­ta Unit­ed FC (2017-20) and Or­lan­do City SC (2015-16), tal­ly­ing 34 goals and 29 as­sists in 129 reg­u­lar-sea­son games over the course of his MLS ca­reer.

Moli­no was ex­pect­ed to join up with his na­tion­al team for their up­com­ing Con­ca­caf Na­tions League B Group C match­es against Ba­hamas on Fri­day, and Nicaragua on Mon­day both must win match­es if they are to be pro­mot­ed to League A while the Colum­bus Crew, who have four points in four match­es this sea­son, host the surg­ing At­lanta Unit­ed on Sat­ur­day.

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