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Friday, February 14, 2025

Mon Repos repeats as Victoria Primary Football champion


462 days ago
Mon Repos RC School retained the Girls Open crown in the Victoria District in the National Primary Schools Football League with a 1-0 penalty shoot-out victory over Pleasantville Government at the Mannie Ramjohn Stadium, Marabella on Wednesday.  PICTURES NATIONAL PRIMARY SCHOOLS FOOTBALL LEAGUE

Mon Repos RC School retained the Girls Open crown in the Victoria District in the National Primary Schools Football League with a 1-0 penalty shoot-out victory over Pleasantville Government at the Mannie Ramjohn Stadium, Marabella on Wednesday. PICTURES NATIONAL PRIMARY SCHOOLS FOOTBALL LEAGUE

Sports Cor­re­spon­dent

Mon Re­pos Ro­man Catholic (RC) re­tained the Girls Open ti­tle in the Vic­to­ria Dis­trict of the Na­tion­al Pri­ma­ry Schools Foot­ball League.

The 2022 win­ners edged Pleas­antville Gov­ern­ment in a nail-bit­ing 1-0 penal­ty shoot-out vic­to­ry at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la on Wednes­day.

The two teams played to a goal­less draw af­ter full and ex­tra times be­fore Mon Re­pos pre­vailed from the penal­ty spot. Both teams ad­vanced to the fi­nals af­ter fin­ish­ing in the top two spots af­ter the two rounds of ac­tion in the group stage. The two schools played to a 0-0 draw when the two squads met in Round One.

How­ev­er, Pleas­antville pre­vailed 3-0 in Round Two. San Fer­nan­do SDA was the oth­er team that par­tic­i­pat­ed in the group stage.

St Paul’s An­gli­can (AC) took the Boys 11 and Un­der crown af­ter de­feat­ing de­fend­ing champs San Fer­nan­do Boys RC 2-0.

The vic­to­ry for St Paul’s avenged the 1-0 loss to the op­po­nents in the group stage of the com­pe­ti­tion.

The St Paul’s lads booked their spot in the fi­nals with a 5-1 tri­umph over Pic­ton Pres­by­ter­ian while San Fer­nan­do Boys whipped Al Hu­da 5-0.

In the To­ba­go Dis­trict, Whim AC, Scar­bor­ough RC, Sig­nal Hill Gov­ern­ment are the on­ly teams to win all match­es dur­ing the round-robin stage.

Whim 11 and Un­der boys topped the North­side zone with four wins from four match­es to end on 12 points, ahead of Ma­son Hall Gov­ern­ment and Cas­tara Gov­ern­ment.

Scar­bor­ough RC fin­ished in first in the Lee­ward A group with four wins and one draw leav­ing Sig­nal Hill Gov­ern­ment and Lam­beau An­gli­can in sec­ond and third spots. Bon Ac­cord Gov­ern­ment took care of Lee­ward B with three wins and one draw to fin­ish in front of Ply­mouth An­gli­can and Buc­coo Gov­ern­ment.

In the Wind­ward group, Spey­side An­gli­can came out ahead of De­laford AC on goal dif­fer­ence as both teams were tied on eight points from two wins and two draws.

The top two teams in each zone will ad­vance to the Quar­ter­fi­nal round set for No­vem­ber 8. Scar­bor­ough RC will face Ma­son Hall Gov­ern­ment, Whim will tack­le Sig­nal Hill Gov­ern­ment. Spey­side An­gli­can will line up against Ply­mouth An­gli­can while Bon Ac­cord Gov­ern­ment will face De­laford An­gli­can. The semi­fi­nals are list­ed for No­vem­ber 14.

In the Girls Open com­pe­ti­tion, Scar­bor­ough RC and Sig­nal Hill Gov­ern­ment are the teams to watch af­ter win­ning all three match­es.

Scar­bor­ough se­cured Group One with St An­drews An­gli­can in the run­ner-up spot. Sig­nal Hill was the pick of the team in Group Two, scor­ing 14 goals and is yet to con­cede one. Bon Ac­cord end­ed in sec­ond.

Whim took Group Three with three wins and one draw to fin­ish ahead of Mo­ri­ah Gov­ern­ment.

The group win­ners, (Scar­bor­ough RC, Sig­nal Hill Gov­ern­ment, Whim AC) and the best sec­ond-place teams (Mo­ri­ah Gov­ern­ment) have qual­i­fied for the semi­fi­nal round card­ed for No­vem­ber 15.

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