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Friday, February 14, 2025

Pleasantville Secondary lifts Girls Intercol crown


2263 days ago
Members of the Pleasantville Secondary School captured the Girls Intercol National football title after they defeated Signal Hill Secondary 2-0 at the Ato Boldon Stadium, Couva, yesterday.

CELEBRATIONS Members of the Pleasantville Secondary School captured the Girls Intercol National football title after they defeated Signal Hill Secondary 2-0 at the Ato Boldon Stadium, Couva, yesterday.


Alex­cia Ali's name will ring long and loud in the Pleas­antville com­mu­ni­ty in the com­ing days, af­ter her hat-trick guid­ed Pleas­antville Sec­ondary School to its first Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) Co­ca-Co­la Na­tion­al In­ter­col ti­tle, beat­ing Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary 3-0 in the fi­nal at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Cou­va, yes­ter­day.

Af­ter a de­mor­al­is­ing ex­pe­ri­ence in the fi­nal last year in which the school was beat­en 8-0 by Bish­ops, the south­ern­ers looked like a re­newed team and threat­ened from the first whis­tle. Sig­nal Hill's bat­tling ef­fort was ham­pered on­ly by their in­abil­i­ty to con­vert the chances that came its way.

Af­ter a goal­less first half, Ali, who was a thorn for the de­fend­ers ear­li­er, pro­duced light­ing quick speed to pounce on to a left-side cross by Chris­sy Mitchell in the 46th minute, and with both de­fend­ers and goal­keep­er Aaliyah Al­varez was beat­en, Ali then fired the ball in­to an emp­ty net for the lead.

Lat­er, Ali made it 2-0 from a long ball that de­fend­er Je­lese Alexan­der strug­gled to clear and Ali skil­ful­ly lobbed the ball over the ad­vanc­ing goalie for the sec­ond goal.

The vis­i­tors did not give up though but at­tacks from cap­tain Ashante Camp­bell, Twin­kle Thomas and Gamelia Wal­dron were thwart­ed by a stur­dy Pleas­antville de­fence.

But their ef­forts were killed when Ali was re­leased down the right side and her pow­er­ful low shot squeezed in al­though Al­varez got her hands to it.

At the blast of the fi­nal whis­tle, Pleas­antville's fans and sup­port­ers erupt­ed in­to wild cel­e­bra­tions to ac­knowl­edge the ef­forts of the girls who had been on­ly on their sec­ond fi­nal in the In­ter­col.

How­ev­er, it was Pleas­antville's third ti­tle of the sea­son, first be­ing crowned the South Zone cham­pi­on af­ter play­ing un­beat­en in the six-team com­pe­ti­tion then co­in­ci­den­tal­ly topped Sig­nal Hill in the Big Five fi­nal, 2-0 with Ali and Mitchell scor­ing that af­fair.

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