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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Richards Sr edges past Martin in race for T&T Golf Pro title


Clayton Clarke
5 days ago

T&T's Chris Richards Sr edged ahead in the Pro­fes­sion­al Di­vi­sion af­ter two rounds of play at the 117th T&T Golf Open at the St An­drews Golf Course in Mo­ka, Mar­aval, on Fri­day.

Richards Sr shot an im­pres­sive 69, three un­der par to amass 144. The for­mer win­ner eased past his com­pa­tri­ot and six-time cham­pi­on Ben Mar­tin who al­so shone with 71. Mar­tin was out front on Thurs­day af­ter hit­ting 74 com­pared to Richards' 75.

Wes­ley Brown of Ja­maica is in third on 155 (78, 77) with his coun­try­men Justin Bur­rows 156 (75, 81), Orville Christie 158 (77, 81) Se­bert Walk­er 161 (83, 78) fol­low­ing. Amer­i­can Zachar Ramey 162 (80, 82) is in sev­enth with Bermu­da's Nick Jones (87, 77) and Hunter Som­my (85, 79) on 164.

T&T's An­tho­ny Gill lies in 12th on 167 (81, 86).

Lo­cal play­er Neil Lutch­mans­ingh sits on top of the Se­niors field 153 (75, 78) while an­oth­er T&T golfer Willie Med­ford surged in the Sec­ond Fight with 161 (79, 82) ahead of overnight leader Nand­lal Ramkalkhan, al­so of T&T, 174 (86, 88).

Play in the Third Round gets un­der­way at 6.30 am Sat­ur­day.

The Open comes to an end Sun­day.

117th TT Golf Open

St. An­drews Golf Course,

Mo­ka, Mar­aval

Mar 20-23

Stand­ings af­ter Two Rounds


1 Chris Richards Sr (TTO) 144 (75, 69)

2 Ben Mar­tin (TTO) 145 (74, 71)

3 Wes­ley Brown (JAM) 155 (78, 77)

4 Justin Bur­rows (JAM) 156 (75, 81)

5 Orville Christie (JAM)158 (77, 81)

6 Se­bert Walk­er (JAM) 161 (83, 78)

7 Zachary Ramey (USA) 162 (80, 82)

8 Rick Burk (USA) 164 (81, 83)/Nick Jones (BER) 164 (87, 77)/ Hunter Som­my (USA) 164 (85, 79)

12 An­tho­ny Gill (TTO) 167 (81, 86)

Sec­ond Flight

1 Willie Med­ford (TTO) 161 (79, 82)

2 Nand­lal Ramkalkhan (TTO) 174 (86, 88)

3 Owen Mc Pher­son JAM) 181 (95, 86)

4 Ed­di­son Sagram (TTO) 182 (90. 92)

5 Pramie Sad­hoo (CAN) 183 (89, 94)

6 Raphael Rose (TTO) 187 (90, 97)

7 Ja­son Clarke (TTO) 188 (98, 90)

8 Ronald Greaves (TTO) 188 (92, 96)


1 Niki­ta Guenko (USA 144 (71, 73)

2 Zi­co Cor­reia (TTO (147 (78, 69)

3 Chris Richards Jr (TTO) 73, 75 /Zan­dre Roye (JAM) 75, 72 148

5 Amalio Ve­ga (PUR) (75, 76)/Gabriel Vanosote (TTO) 76, 75 (151)


7 Ryan Gomez (TTO) 154 (76, 78)

8 Sol Joan­ni (TTO) 156 (87, 69)

Se­nior Di­vi­sion

1 Neil Lutch­mans­ingh (TTO) 153 (75, 78)

2 Clint Al­fred (TTO) 158 (77, 81)

3 Dr Mark Newn­ham (JAM) 160 (77, 83)

4 Zeke Per­ci­val (LCA) 161 (80, 81)

5 Bal­don­ick Fer­nan­dez Sr (COL) 165 (83, 82)

6 Sean Mor­ris (JAM) 166 (87, 79)

7 Dawn Bis­pham (BAR)167 (89, 78)

8 Wayne Bap­tiste (TTO) 169 (89, 80)

9 Bri­an Muir (CAN) 170 (86, 84)

10 Desrond Am­brose (TTO) 173 (88, 85)

11 Clay­ton Fe­lix (TTO) 175 (87, 88)

12 Hol­lis Bois­son 177 (87, 90)

13 Pu­ran­dath Lall 177 (95, 82)

14 Bri­an Lara (TTO) 180 (89, 91)

15 New­ton Dais­ley 181 (92, 89)

16 Stephen Hale 183 (88, 95)

17 An­dre Dham­paul (JAM) 191 (97, 94)

18 Re­mus Gar­raway 193 (93, 100)

19 Bob­by Nee­bar 194 (95, 99)

20 Tony Pan­tandeen 196 (99, 97)

21 Ivan Co­dring­ton (BAR) 201 (100, 101)

22 Richard Young 212 (104, 108)

XRoger Bryan 95 (95, x)

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