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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

San Juan South, ISPS double up in schools vball finals


Nigel Simon
22 hours ago

The Cur­tis Bur­kette-coached San Juan South Sec­ondary and Mac­sood Ali-coached In­ter­na­tion­al School of Port-of-Spain (ISPS) both cap­tured two of three gen­der age-group ti­tles in their re­spec­tive boys' and girls' di­vi­sions when the Sec­ondary Schools’ Vol­ley­ball League (SSVL) end­ed at the In­ter­na­tion­al School of Port-of-Spain, In­ter­na­tion­al Dri­ve, West­moor­ings on Sun­day.

On the fi­nal day of com­pe­ti­tion, Bar­rack­pore West Sec­ondary in the boy's cat­e­go­ry were in the hunt to sweep the Un­der-15, U-17 and Open Di­vi­sion ti­tles. How­ev­er, it was not to be as San Juan South played spoil­er and took home both the Boys' U-17 and Open ti­tles.

In the Boys' U-17 de­cider, San Juan South swept past Bar­rack­pore West 25-10, 25-15. When the semi­fi­nals took place last month, San Juan South whipped Iere High 25-7, 25-11 in their semi­fi­nal while Bar­rack­pore West over­came Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege of Ch­agua­nas 25-22, 25-15 at the East­ern Re­gion­al In­door Sports Are­na in Tacarigua. Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege took the bronze via a 25-14, 19-25, 15-11 win over Iere High.

San Juan South Sec­ondary re­peat­ed their suc­cess over Bar­rack­pore West in the Boys' Open Di­vi­sion with a straight­for­ward 25-12, 25-12 win in the fi­nal. San Juan South had cruised past Iere High 25-12, 25-16 in their semi­fi­nal while Bar­rack­pore West oust­ed Maple Leaf In­ter­na­tion­al School 22-25, 26-24, 15-13 in the oth­er.

In the ear­ly phase, San Juan South made light work of their Group A op­po­nents with wins over Na­pari­ma 25-13, 25-11; Pre­sen­ta­tion Ch­agua­nas 25-8, 25-19 and Maple Leaf In­ter­na­tion­al School 25-17, 25-15 while Bar­rack­pore West was equal­ly as im­pres­sive in Group B de­feat­ing Ari­ma North (25-17, 25-19); ISPS (23-25, 25-20, 15-9) and Iere High (27-25, 25-16) in their pool de­cider. In the quar­ter­fi­nals, Maple Leaf bat­tled past ISPS 25-20, 18-25, 15-9, while Iere High spiked Pre­sen­ta­tion Ch­agua­nas 25-17, 25-7. In the bronze medal en­counter, Maple Leaf In­ter­na­tion­al tri­umphed 25-23, 25-19 over Iere High.

When the Boys’ U-15 Di­vi­sion took place, Bar­rack­pore West Sec­ondary hum­bled fel­low south­ern­ers, Na­pari­ma Col­lege 25-13, 25-22 to take home the crown.

In the pre­lim­i­nary round, which was con­test­ed be­tween the same two schools, Na­pari­ma bat­tled past Bar­rack­pore West, 25-22, 20-25, 17-15 in an en­ter­tain­ing match-up.

ISPS were al­so firm favourites to se­cure all three crowns in the girls' com­pe­ti­tion, but came up short with vic­to­ries in the U-15 Di­vi­sion Girls’ fi­nal against Maple Leaf as well as the U-17 age-group ver­sus St Joseph’s Con­vent Port-of-Spain (PoS),

In the Girls U-15 de­cider, ISPS whipped Maple Leaf In­ter­na­tion­al 25-15, 25-16.

When the sev­en-team round-robin stage was con­test­ed ISPS end­ed with a per­fect record of 7-0 ahead of the "Big-Four" round-robin fi­nal af­ter beat­ing St Joseph’s Con­vent (PoS) 15-9, 10-15, 15-10; AS­JA Girl’s Col­lege of San Fer­nan­do 15-6, 7-15, 15-7; St Joseph’s Con­vent (St Joseph) 15-5, 15-10; San Fer­nan­do Cen­tral 15-4, 15-10; Holy Faith Con­vent (Cou­va) 15-3, 15-8; Maple Leaf 13-15, 15-10, 15-7 and Tu­na­puna Sec­ondary 15-12, 15-12.

The pair of Maple Leaf and St Joseph’s (PoS) both end­ed with 5-2 win-loss marks to qual­i­fy for the fi­nals along with AS­JA Girls’ who se­cured the fourth and fi­nal spot ahead of St Joseph’s (St Joseph) based on points won to point loss co-ef­fi­cient af­ter both teams end­ed with 4-2 records.

AS­JA Girls se­cured the bronze medal in the U-15s beat­ing St Joseph's Con­vent (PoS) 25-16, 25-18.

ISPS then added the Girls U-17 win­ners' tro­phy to their cof­fers via an­oth­er straight sets win, 25-20, 25-16 over St Joseph's (PoS).

In the "Big Four" round-robin se­ries at the Na­tion­al Cy­cling Cen­tre in Bal­main, Cou­va last month St Joseph’s (PoS) end­ed with a per­fect record af­ter they de­feat­ed South East Port-of-Spain (SE­PoS) 25-15, 25-14, and ISPS 25-21, 14-25, 15-13 for a 2-0 record, af­ter which their fi­nal against win­less Ari­ma North, was not played due to time con­straints.

The ISPS play­ers had ear­li­er swept past SE­PoS 25-6, 25-19, and Ari­ma North 25-6, 25-15 in their first two match­es, while SE­PoS bat­tled past Ari­ma North 25-13, 25-19 in the oth­er com­plet­ed round-robin match be­fore SE­PoS won the bronze medal bat­tle against the same op­po­nent, 25-13, 26-24.

How­ev­er, with a chance of a clean sweep at stake, In­ter­na­tion­al School (PoS) was de­nied by bit­ter ri­val Maple Leaf 22-25, 15-25.

Ear­li­er this month in the semi­fi­nals at the Na­tion­al Cy­cling Cen­tre in Bal­main, Cou­va, Maple Leaf bat­tled past the pre­vi­ous­ly un­de­feat­ed St Joseph’s (PoS) 27-25, 9-25, 15-11 while IS­PoS eased past St Joseph’s (St Joseph) 25-19, 25-13.

In the third-placed play­off, St Joseph's Con­vent (PoS) got the bet­ter of sis­ter school St Joseph's Con­vent (St Joseph) 25-11, 25-9.

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