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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Scotchie’s Nubian Kings Beat Stablemates in NPL


Sport Desk
6 days ago
Scotchie's Nubian Kings members Lindsay Whiskey (captain), from left, Mukesh Ramnath, Decklon Ashton, Anthony John, Brent John, Mayton Charles and Gerard Portell. Missing from photo are Ebun Samuel and Neil Calliste.

Scotchie's Nubian Kings members Lindsay Whiskey (captain), from left, Mukesh Ramnath, Decklon Ashton, Anthony John, Brent John, Mayton Charles and Gerard Portell. Missing from photo are Ebun Samuel and Neil Calliste.

There are cur­rent­ly three Na­tion­al Pool League (NPL) first di­vi­sion teams play­ing out of Bil­liards Place in Aranguez.

On Tues­day night, two of those teams met Scotchie’s Nu­bian Kings and Top Shooterz Krew. The Nu­bian Kings were list­ed as the home team and they made good their home ad­van­tage by com­ing away with a con­vinc­ing 4-1 win.

Deck­lon Ash­ton opened the in­nings for the ‘Kings’ with a 4-2 win against Ren­nie Bha­gan. Both of Bha­gan’s wins came via com­bi­na­tion shots (tack­les) on the nine-ball in the sec­ond and fourth frames. The home team cap­tain, Lind­say Whiskey aka Scotchie, kept the pres­sure on the Top Shooterz by de­feat­ing Ah­mad Shageer 4-1. Whiskey ran out to a three-frame lead be­fore Shageer could an­swer with his on­ly win in the fourth rack. The dou­bles en­counter was next and An­tho­ny John and May­ton Charles teamed up to take on the vis­it­ing pair of Edge Ra­moutar and Aamir Balka­ran. The Top Shooterz duo won the first rack but John and Charles tied things up with a gold­en nine (nine on the break) in rack two and fol­lowed that up with wins in frames three, five and six. That vic­to­ry in the dou­bles sealed the best-of-five match for the Kings, which al­lowed their next play­er to ex­press him­self freely. That he did, win­ning his game against An­to­nio Boodoo four frames to ze­ro, in­clu­sive of a gold­en nine in the third rack. Brent John would have fan­cied his chances of com­plet­ing a clean sweep but the ‘Top Shooterz’ cap­tain, Kevin Ma­habir, had oth­er ideas. Ma­habir won the first, lost the sec­ond but fin­ished the match with three wins on the trot to give his team the con­so­la­tion win.

An­oth­er team, which makes Bil­liards Place their home, is the Sicar­ios. Un­like their sta­ble­mates, they had a sched­uled away fix­ture against Ken­ny’s in Ch­agua­nas. Sicar­ios, who are cur­rent­ly sec­ond on the stand­ings, reg­is­tered a sim­i­lar 4-1 win against the hosts and like the ‘Nu­bian Kings’, the Sicar­ios sealed the three best of five match­es af­ter three games. Al­lan Lawrence (4-1), Clint Mara­jh (4-1) and the pair of skip­per John East­man and Sachin Ram­nar­ine (4-2) gave the vis­i­tors an unas­sail­able lead. Al­lan Per­sad was the on­ly ca­su­al­ty for the vis­i­tors, los­ing the fourth game on the hill (3-4) against Andy Joseph. In the fi­nal game of the night, Dy­lon King, re­turn­ing to the Sicar­ios line-up af­ter a two-match lay­off, round­ed off the win with a 4-2 re­sult. Sicar­ios have a win/loss record of 12/3.

The team lead­ing the di­vi­sion is the Rox­bury Shot Callers. They en­ter­tained the Pan­thers at their Rox­bury Sports Bar in Cunu­pia and made home ad­van­tage count, as the Shot Callers won the match three games to two. For the hosts, there were wins for Jonathan Gor­ing (4-1), the dou­bles pair of Raj ‘El Cap­i­tan’ Per­sad and Ku­mar Singh (4-3), and Bri­an Bis­nath (4-1), while for the Pan­thers, Glen Ra­goo (4-2) and Kevin Car­dinez (4-3) were in win­ner’s row. Rox­bury has won thir­teen of the fif­teen match­es played.

The big win­ners on the night were the Pock­et Preda­tors. The ‘Preda­tors’, cap­tained by Bri­an Stod­dard, swept past Dekko All Stars, win­ning all five games, at the Echo Lounge in En­ter­prise, Ch­agua­nas. There were 4-2 wins for Stod­dard and Clif­ford Sookdeo in games one and two, while the three re­main­ing games could have gone ei­ther way, end­ing with close 4-3 score lines. The dou­bles en­counter was won by Gre­go­ry Gayadeen and Amit Sa­boo, the fourth game, Kirk Ram­sawak and in the fi­nal en­counter, Steven Her­nan­dez. The Pock­et Preda­tors are third on the ta­ble with eleven wins and four loss­es.

In Oth­er Re­sults: Lucky Sports made it five wins in a row with a 4-1 win over Crazy 8’s. With that vic­to­ry, the Williamsville-based Lucky Sports moves in­to the top four with nine wins and six loss­es.

Both Unit­ed Stars and Ago­ra Stingers have sim­i­lar 9/6 win/loss records. Those two teams met at Ago­ra Bar and Lounge in Ch­agua­nas and it was Unit­ed Stars which came out on top 3-2. That win for the ‘Stars’ sees them move up one spot to fifth, while the Stingers drop two spots to sixth.

JJ Shoot­ers, con­tin­ue their climb up the stand­ings and now oc­cu­py sev­enth place, swap­ping places with Crazy 8’s, with eight wins and sev­en loss­es. The ‘Shoot­ers’ trav­elled to the

Pyra­mid Sports Bar, Gas­par­il­lo, to do bat­tle with the Shoot­ing Stars and emerged with a cred­itable 3-2 vic­to­ry.

Pre­mier Di­vi­sion News

Al­so on Tues­day, there was one resched­uled round 14 pre­mier di­vi­sion match be­tween Shoot­ing Stars pre­mier team and Gold­en Arch­es Ti­tans, al­so at Pyra­mid Sports Bar. The Ravy Joseph-led Gold­en Arch­es team won the en­counter 5-0.

On Wednes­day, in Round 15 ac­tion in the Pre­mier Di­vi­sion, Shoot­ing Stars de­feat­ed Cuetrollerz 4-1; Unit­ed Stars downed ‘D’ Un­der­dawgs 4-1 and Sicar­ios beat The An­ni­hi­la­tors 4-1. Gold­en Arch­es Ti­tans and Ri­vals were in­ac­tive.

Tues­day's match­es

First Di­vi­sion (Round 16)

Unit­ed Stars vs Ago­ra Stingers at Pyra­mid Sports Bar, Gas­par­il­lo

Sicar­ios vs Ago­ra Stingers at Bil­liards Place, Aranguez

Ken­ny’s vs Pock­et Preda­tors at Ken­ny’s Sports Bar, Ch­agua­nas

JJ Shoot­ers vs Rox­bury Shot Callers at Jer­ry Junc­tion, Cara­pichaima

Pan­thers vs Lucky Sports at Play­house, Barataria

Crazy 8’s vs Scotchie’s Nu­bian Kings at Spe­cial Brew, Cou­va

Top Shooterz Krew vs Dekko All Stars at Bil­liards Place, Aranguez

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