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Monday, March 17, 2025

Tittes dominate at Mountain Bike Challenge


Walter Alibey
6 days ago
Abigail Titte of Rigtech Sonics.

Abigail Titte of Rigtech Sonics.

The Titte's name rang out loud­ly on the week­end (March 8-9) when the T&T Cy­cling Fed­er­a­tion held its Moun­tain Bike Chal­lenge at the Samaan Park in Ch­aguara­mas.

For the Youth De­vel­op­ers cat­e­gories that ranged from the Un­der-7 to U-13, the Titte's name, all of whom rep­re­sent­ed Rigtech Son­ics, was men­tioned al­most every time the re­sults were called. Co­in­ci­den­tal­ly, the day start­ed with an­oth­er fam­i­ly, the Son­ni­lal sib­lings - Nathaniel and Daniel - tak­ing the top two po­si­tions in a one-lap short­ened course for U-7 rid­ers.

Nathaniel claimed the top spot af­ter cross­ing the fin­ish line at four min­utes, 48.43 sec­onds for the gold medal, with Daniel fin­ish­ing close­ly be­hind for the run­ner-up spot in four min­utes, 54.03 sec­onds. Ethan Bachan who al­so rode for Rigtech Son­ics se­cured the third po­si­tion in 7:24.39.

The Tittes' dom­i­nance be­gan with Abi­gail pro­duc­ing a quick 5:09.49 time to clinch the win in the U-9 girl's di­vi­sion. She fin­ished ahead of her sis­ter Re­nae, whose sprint­ing prowess al­so took her over the line com­fort­ably at 5:39.11 for the sec­ond-place po­si­tion, with Pre­cious Son­ni­lal, an­oth­er mem­ber of the Son­ni­lal clang tak­ing third in 6:10.34.

Lat­er, the Titte sib­lings got the nod for the top two rid­ers in the di­vi­sion, while in the U-11 boys' Ty­er Titte de­stroyed the field for the gold medal by post­ing a time of 9:40.02 top take both the U-11 Two-Lap sprint and the over­all Two-Lap re­sult.

Mean­while, an­oth­er Titte - Re­car­do - claimed the bronze medal in the U-13 boys Two-Lap race. He was forced to set­tle for the third-place fin­ish af­ter Cruz Gomez, who com­pet­ed un­at­tached, sprint­ed past the fin­ish line ahead of the field in 7:52.52, with Rigtech Son­ics' Re­on Shep­pard se­cur­ing sec­ond (8:16.80).


U-7 Male 1-Lap: 1 Nathaniel Son­ni­lal (Rigtech Son­ics) 4:48.43, 2 Daniel Son­ni­lal (Rigtech Son­ics CC) 4:54.03, 3 Ethan Bachan (Rigtech Son­ics) 7:24.39

U-9 Fe­male 1- Lap: 1 Abi­gail Titte (Rigtech Son­ics) 5:09.49, 2 Re­nae Titte (Rigtech Son­ics) 5:39.11, 3 Pre­cious Son­ni­lal (Rigtech Son­ics) 6:10.34

Over­all U-9 Fe­male 1 Lap: 1 Abi­gail Titte (Rigtech Son­ics) 5:09.49, 2 Re­nae Titte (Rigtech Son­ics) 5:39.11, 3 Pre­cious Son­ni­lal (Rigtech Son­ics) 6:10.34

U-9 Male 1-Lap: 1 Ryan Shep­pard (Rigtech Son­ics) 5:08.86, 2 Jer­an Bood­hoo (Madon­na Wheel­ers) 5:12.56, 3 Mark Son­ni­lal (Rigtech Son­ics) 5:28.22

Over­all U-9 Males 1-Lap: 1 Ryan Shep­pard (Rigtech Son­ics) 5:08.86, 2 Jer­an Bood­hoo (Madon­na Wheel­ers) 5:12.56, 3 Mark Son­ni­lal (Rigtech Son­ics) 5:28.22

U-11 Fe­male 2-Lap: 1 Melody Ram­s­ingh (Rigtech Son­ics) 10:31.57, 2 Ash­lee Soo Hon (Madon­na Wheel­ers) 11:00.38, 3 Lashay Nim­blett (Madon­na Wheel­ers) 11:20.98

U-11 Male 2-Lap: 1 Tyler Titte (Rigtech Son­ics) 9:40.02, 2 Seth Alexan­der-Smith (Rigtech Son­ics) 9:42.72, 3 Zi­dane Bud­hooram (Madon­na Wheel­ers) 9:57.78

Over­all U-11 Male 2-Lap: 1 Tyler Titte (Rigtech Son­ics) 9:40.02, 2 Seth Alexan­der-Smith (Rigtech Son­ics) 9:42.72, 3 Zi­dane Bud­hooram (Madon­na Wheel­ers) 9:57.78

U-13 Fe­males 2-Lap: 1 Evyn­leigh Gomez (Un­at­tached) 9:35.17, 2 An­na-Lee Titte (Rigtech Son­ics) 10:47.50

U-13 Male 2-Lap: 1 Cruz Gomez (Un­at­tached) 7:52.52, 2 Re­on Shep­pard (Rigtech Son­ics) 8:16.80, 3 Re­car­do Titte (Rigtech Son­ics) 9:16.78

Tinymites Fe­males 2-Lap: 1 Meli­na Lopez (Valkyries CC) 42:41.93

Ju­ve­nile Male 3-Lap: 1 Jael Jes­sop (MTB Kings) 43:01.86, 2 Mau­rice Lopez (Valkyries CC) 43.06.12

Elite Fe­male 3-Lap: 1 Nisha Adol­phus (Un­reg­is­tered) 1:10.10

Mas­ter's 40-49: 1 Krist­ed Her­bert (MTB Kings) 47:51.30, 2 Matthew Williams (MTB Kings) 53:06.99

Over­all Mas­ters 40-49: 1 Lin­ford Black­wood (Un­reg­is­tered) 47:48.84, 2 Krist­ed Her­bert (MTB Kings) 47:51.30, 3 Matthew Williams (MTB Kings) 53:06.99

Mas­ter's 50-59: 1 Scott Dop­son (FitKids) 46:18.10

Mas­ter's 60-69: 1 David Hack­shaw (Un­at­tached) 43:10.36, 2 Wal­ter Paul (Rigtech Son­ics) 52:39.69

Ju­nior Male 4-Lap: 1 Chris­tiano Williams (MTB Kings) 1:25.56

Elite Male: 1 Ryan Chin (Break­away) 54:48.72, 2 Nikoli Ho (Break­away) 57:08.82, 3 San­jeev Son­ni­lal (Rigtech Son­ics) 1:20.42

Over­all Elite Male: 1 Ryan Chin (Break­away) 54:48.72, 2 Dmitri James (Un­reg­is­tered) 55:17.35, 3 Nikoli Ho (Break­away) 57:08.82

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