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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

T&T netballers qualify for Netball World Youth Cup


Clayton Clarke
255 days ago
National Under-21 netballers, Shaniya Morgan, from left, Kerlene Johnson, Nekesha Gomes, captain Destiny Williams, Jenecia Goodridge, Kayleea Songui, Neisha Hyles, Shian Lewis, Xhane’ Gray, Jelisia Goodrige, Katty Ann Graham, Jada Hamilton, N’zinga Charles, Nichola Gill, and Maikea Bramble, who placed third at the Americas Qualifiers for the 2025 Netball Youth World Cup in Guadeloupe, during a photo shoot at St Paul Street Complex in Port-of-Spain on June 19. Yesterday, T&T defeated Grenada, 61-39,  to qualify for the NWYC.

National Under-21 netballers, Shaniya Morgan, from left, Kerlene Johnson, Nekesha Gomes, captain Destiny Williams, Jenecia Goodridge, Kayleea Songui, Neisha Hyles, Shian Lewis, Xhane’ Gray, Jelisia Goodrige, Katty Ann Graham, Jada Hamilton, N’zinga Charles, Nichola Gill, and Maikea Bramble, who placed third at the Americas Qualifiers for the 2025 Netball Youth World Cup in Guadeloupe, during a photo shoot at St Paul Street Complex in Port-of-Spain on June 19. Yesterday, T&T defeated Grenada, 61-39, to qualify for the NWYC.

Clayton Clarke

Na­tion­al Un­der-21 net­ballers booked their spot at next year’s Net­ball World Youth Cup (NWYC) af­ter beat­ing Grena­da 61-39 to se­cure third place at the Amer­i­c­as Re­gion Qual­i­fiers at the Paul Chon­chon Hall in Pointe-a-Pitre, Guade­loupe on Sun­day.

The lo­cal team start­ed slow­ly as the Grena­di­ans net­ted the open­ing goal be­fore T&T evened the score at 1-1. Grena­da fired back but cap­tain Des­tiny Williams and her team­mates re­spond­ed to the score at 2-2. The U-21 “Ca­lyp­so Girls” then went ahead for the first time and main­tained the lead un­til the fi­nal whis­tle.

The na­tion­al play­ers were up by three goals (13-10) in the first quar­ter and ex­tend­ed the ad­van­tage to eight at half­time (28-20).

On the re­sump­tion, T&T pressed and in­creased the mar­gin to ten goals (33-23), then 13 (41-28) and even­tu­al­ly to 15 (43-28). The lo­cal de­fend­ers con­tained the Grena­di­an shoot­ers to en­sure the lead stayed at 15 at the end of the third in­ter­val (45-30).

With World Cup qual­i­fi­ca­tion at stake, the lo­cal play­ers dom­i­nat­ed their Caribbean neigh­bours thanks to ag­gres­sive at­tack­ing and su­pe­ri­or fit­ness, outscor­ing the Grena­di­ans 16-9 in the fi­nal quar­ter to take the match 61-39.

Fif­teen-year-old Shi­an Lewis was vot­ed the “Play­er of the Match”. Lewis, the youngest play­er on the team, played in the cen­tre po­si­tion.

Head coach Kali­fa Mc­Collin-Lopez praised the ef­forts of the play­ers af­ter the match, say­ing: “I am ex­cit­ed for the girls. They have worked hard to get here.”

Mc Col­in-Lopez added that she was al­so thank­ful the team has se­cured its place in Gibral­tar.

‘’I know the girls still have more to give. I am still not sat­is­fied be­cause we were aim­ing for a top two places and I know they could have done it.”

The for­mer pro­fes­sion­al play­er shared that more play­ers will be re­cruit­ed in prepa­ra­tion for the 2025 World Youth Cup.

“When we get back (home), we are def­i­nite­ly go­ing to go scout­ing in some of the rur­al ar­eas for girls who are tall, ex­treme­ly strong es­pe­cial­ly go­ing in­to Gibral­tar be­cause that (World Cup) is a dif­fer­ent ball game.”

She added that she was en­cour­aged by the team’s per­for­mance against Ja­maica in the semi­fi­nal round on Sat­ur­day. Ja­maica won 40-33.

“We went out in that game ex­pect­ing to win be­cause (our girls) could have. For the first time in a long time that any T&T team would have held Ja­maica down in three quar­ters. I think it was just for us to press for­ward on the gas. The girls were not able to do that.”

Pres­i­dent of the T&T Net­ball As­so­ci­a­tion Sher­ry-ann Black­burn al­so of­fered con­grat­u­la­tions to the play­ers.

“T&T is elat­ed by the qual­i­fi­ca­tion. Every­one worked hard to­geth­er to make this dream a re­al­i­ty,” said Black­burn.

She ex­plained that the prepa­ra­tion for the World Youth Cup con­tin­ues.

“The road ahead is long. There is much to do and we are up to the chal­lenge to re­claim the game for Net­ball T&T. All hands on deck, as we work to­geth­er to make this dream for our young­sters both on and off the field a re­al­i­ty, they’re de­serv­ing of it.”

In the fi­nal which fol­lowed un­beat­en Ja­maica de­feat­ed Bar­ba­dos, 54-29, to take the top spot in the Amer­i­c­as Qual­i­fiers. Both teams have al­so qual­i­fied for the World Youth Cup.

The na­tion­al con­tin­gent is sched­uled to re­turn home on Tues­day night.




Ja­maica 54 vs Bar­ba­dos 29

Third place play-off

T&T 61 vs Grena­da 39


7th/8th po­si­tion play off: An­tigua and Bar­budu 31 vs Cay­man Is­lands 39

5th/6th posi­ition play off: Cana­da 49 vs St. Maarten 21


Bar­ba­dos 63 vs Grena­da 45

Ja­ma­cia 40 vs T&T 33


Grena­da 49 vs Cay­man Is­lands 27

St Mar­teen 42 vs Guade­loupe 13


Ja­maica 83 vs Grena­da 28

Bar­ba­dos 45- vsT&T 44

Grena­da 37 vs Cana­da 36

Bar­ba­dos 113 vs Guade­loupe 4


Ja­maica 71 vs Cay­man Is­lan­da 9

An­tigua and Bar­bu­da 32 vs St. Maarten 22

Ja­maica 65 vs Cana­da 16

T&T 66 vs An­tigua and Bar­bu­da 17


T&T 106 vs Guade­loupe 4

Bar­ba­dos 90 vs An­tigua and Bar­bu­da 10

T& T 62 vs St Maarten 23


Cana­da 35 vs Cay­man Is­lands 16

Bar­ba­dos 75 vs St. Maarten 18

An­tigua and Bar­bu­da 50 vs Guade­loupe 5

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