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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Urquhart goes after Junior Badminton Girls title


3 days ago
FILE - Amara Urquhart chasing third straight Girls U-19 title.

FILE - Amara Urquhart chasing third straight Girls U-19 title.

Top-ranked Ama­ra Urquhart will be seek­ing a third straight lien of the Girls Sin­gles Un­der-19 Di­vi­sion crown when the T&T Bad­minton As­so­ci­a­tion (TT­BA) Na­tion­al Cham­pi­onships re­sumes on Sat­ur­day (March 15) at the Na­tion­al Rac­quet Cen­tre in Or­ange Grove Road, Tacarigua from 9 am.

This af­ter, the top-ranked Urquhart made light work of fourth-seed­ed Cheyenne Bho­la 21-12, 21-9 and in her semi­fi­nal last week and will do bat­tle with fierce ri­val and sec­ond-ranked T’Shelle Barnes who out­played third-seed­ed Kara Ash­ley Robert­son 21-12, 21-13 in their semi­fi­nal.

Urquhart will al­so part­ner Jonathan Julien in the Mixed Dou­bles U-19 fi­nals, af­ter the third-ranked duo stunned top seeds Kaveer Ra­moutar and Robert­son 21-15, 20-22, 21-18 in their semi­fi­nal and will meet sec­ond-ranked Jace Smith and Barnes in the de­cider af­ter the lat­ter pair beat Dante Homer and Emi­ly Lewis 21-18, 21-14 in the oth­er semi­fi­nal.

How­ev­er, in the Girls Dou­bles U-19 semi­fi­nals, top-ranked duo Barnes and Is­abelle Waller beat Urquhart and her sib­ling Aliyah Urquhart 11-21, 21-11, 21-19 and will next face sec­ond seeds Na­talia Hen­ry and Robert­son, who stopped Emi­ly Lewis and her sis­ter Ye­le­na Lewis 21-17, 19-21, 22-20 in the oth­er sems.

Ra­moutar will go af­ter glo­ry as well in the Boys Sin­gles Un­der-19 fi­nal fol­low­ing his vic­to­ry over Homer 21-11, 21-19 in their while Ethan Ram­cha­ran boot­ed Smith 19-21, 21-6, 22-20 in the oth­er.

Samiya Karim will con­test the Girls Sin­gles U-17, Girls Dou­bles and Mixed Dou­bles fi­nals.

This af­ter, top-ranked Karim whipped fourth-ranked Ar­i­an­na Man­sook 21-10, 21-13 and sec­ond-seed Ten­niya To­bias bat­tled past Aliyah Urquhart, ranked third, 20-22, 21-10, 21-18 in the Sin­gles semi­fi­nal while Karim paired with Ri­car­do Sagram­s­ingh to beat sec­ond-ranked Nicholi Je­boods­ingh and Kayleigh Ra­jku­mar 21-15, 19-21, 21-17 in their Mixed Dou­bles semi­fi­nals, and will meet top-ranked Ram­cha­ran and Aliyah Urquhart who ral­lied past Tris­ton Sew­dass and Man­sook, ranked fourth, 19-21, 21-12, 21-14 in the fi­nal-four match-ups.

Karim then com­bined with Azaria Gaskill for a 21-9, 21-10 win over Adi­ta Ma­haraj and Kayleigh Ra­jku­mar while Man­sook and To­bias cruised past Kimo­ra Lee Bisses­sar 21-14, 21-10.

The Boys Sin­gles U-17 fi­nal will fea­ture third-ranked Je­boods­ingh and Un­der-19 fi­nal­ist Ethan Jit­mans­ingh, ranked sev­enth, af­ter their wins over eighth-ranked Sew­dass 9-21, 21-14, 21-13 and Aadil Ar­gour Mo­hammed 21-13, 21-14, re­spec­tive­ly.

In the Boys Dou­bles U-17 semi­fi­nals, Sin­gles fi­nal­ists, Je­boods­ingh and Jit­mans­ingh, ranked sec­ond, com­bined to beat fourth-ranked Isa­iah Per­sadie and Zachary Rigues 21-9, 21-16 while top-rat­ed Ram­cha­ran and Sagram­s­ingh came from be­hind to de­feat third-ranked Sew­dass and Max­imus Walsh 21-19, 20-22, 21-9.

Chi­jioke Kalu is the third play­er who will be go­ing af­ter three ti­tles in the same age-group, the Un­der-15s af­ter reach­ing the fi­nals of the Boys Sin­gles, Dou­bles and Mixed Dou­bles.

The sec­ond-ranked Kalu won his sin­gles semi­fi­nals against De­van Dur­ga 21-9, 21-19 and next bat­tles top-ranked Liam Per­sad who over­came fourth-ranked Lo­gan Wait­he 21-3, 21-9.

In the Mixed Dou­bles U-15 semi­fi­nals, Kalu and Azaria Gaskill up­staged Naveer Sal­ick and Tan­vi Oire 21-12, 21-15 while num­ber one duo, Lo­gan Wait­he and Rishelle Boodoos­ingh de­feat­ed Dim­it­ry Ro­main and Jernyce Cadette 21-19, 21-11.

In the Boys Dou­bles U-15 semi­fi­nals, Kalu and Per­sad coast­ed past Zi­dan Ho­sein and Liam Ra­jku­mar 21-7, 21-13 while sec­ond-ranked Ja­van Ram­jass and Wait­he held off Dur­ga and Sal­ick 21-12, 17-21, 21-17.

The Girls Sin­gles U-15 cham­pi­onship en­counter will fea­ture top-rat­ed Rishelle Boodoos­ingh, who beat Orie 21-14, 24-22 in their fi­nal-four clash, and Gaskill who shocked sec­ond-ranked Seren­i­ty Tin­to 21-13, 21-13. The tour­na­ment re­sumes next week­end from 9 am on each day.

The duo of Asia Lee Waller and (Girls Un­der-13) and Ke­naiya Gan­goo (Girls U-11) will al­so be chas­ing triple crowns in their re­spec­tive age-groups while De­von­nye Vin­cent (Girls U-11), and Michael Balvin (Boys U-11) will com­pete in two fi­nals each.

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