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Thursday, March 27, 2025

West Indies Breakout League squads finalised after player draft


Sport Desk
6 days ago
FILE - Joshua Da Silva...among the experienced players in the T&T Legions team

FILE - Joshua Da Silva...among the experienced players in the T&T Legions team

St John's, An­tigua - The six fran­chise teams set to com­pete in the in­au­gur­al edi­tion of the West In­dies Break­out League have of­fi­cial­ly fi­nalised their squads fol­low­ing a high­ly an­tic­i­pat­ed play­er draft.

Ahead of the draft, each team had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to re­tain sev­en crick­eters, with a cap of three play­ers aged be­tween 27 and 29. The re­main­ing sev­en squad mem­bers were se­lect­ed dur­ing the draft process, with all draftees re­quired to be 26 years old or younger.

In keep­ing with the league’s mis­sion to spot­light emerg­ing tal­ent, all se­lect­ed play­ers must have lim­it­ed pro­fes­sion­al ex­pe­ri­ence. El­i­gi­bil­i­ty cri­te­ria stip­u­late that play­ers must have par­tic­i­pat­ed in few­er than 40 List A T20 match­es and few­er than 10 In­ter­na­tion­al T20s.

Each fran­chise was al­so per­mit­ted to se­lect two play­ers from out­side their home ter­ri­to­ry.

The draft saw an ex­cit­ing in­flux of young tal­ent, with 15 teenagers se­cur­ing spots on var­i­ous teams.

The 2025 West In­dies Break­out League is set to take place from April 25 to May 10, fea­tur­ing 17 match­es, all to be host­ed at the pres­ti­gious Bri­an Lara Crick­et Acad­e­my in Trinidad.

Be­low is the list of pro­tect­ed and draft­ed play­ers for each fran­chise, with their cur­rent ages in brack­ets:

T&T Le­gions: Kamil Pooran (28), Amir Jan­goo (27), Jyd Goolie (27), Crys­t­ian Thur­ton (24), Navin Bidaisee (24), Mikkel Govia (23), Joshua James (23), Joshua DaSil­va (26), McKen­ny Clarke (21), Cephas Coop­er (25), Damien Joachim (23), Shaaron Lewis (26), Ab­dul-Ra­heem Top­pin (19), Jo­hann Layne (21).

Lee­ward Is­lands Thun­der: Ken­neth Pen­nyfeath­er (27), Kea­cy Car­ty (27), Kofi James (27), Kari­ma Gore (26), Mikyle Louis (24), Jew­el An­drew (18), Mic­ah McKen­zie (18), Nathan Ed­ward (19), Giovonte De­peiza (22), An­der­son Ma­hase (22), Michael Palmer (19), Jamie Cor­nelius (26), Jaden Carmichael (21), Je­didi­ah Mar­tin (26).

Wind­ward Is­lands In­fer­nos: Darel Cyrus (28), Shadrack Descarte (27), Shamar Springer (27), Al­ick Athanaze (26), Dil­lon Dou­glas (26), Ted­dy Bish­op (22), Ac­k­eem Au­guste (21), Ryshon Williams (28), Avinash Ma­habirs­ingh (23), Jo­hann Je­re­mi­ah (25), Ky­ron Phillips (21), Keon Gas­ton (21), Noelle Leo (21), Lee John (19).

Guyana Rain­for­est Rangers: Nial Smith (29), Ke­mol Sa­vory (28), Ronal­do Al­imo­hamed (26), Kevin Sin­clair (25), Ash­mead Nedd (24), Kevlon An­der­son (24), Riyad Lat­iff (17), Ri­val­do Clarke (22), Je­di­ah Blades (22), Isai Thorne (20), Richie Look­nauth (25), Zynul Ram­sam­my (20), Adri­an Sukhwa (26), Quentin Samp­son (24).

Bar­ba­dos Pel­i­cans: Leniko Bouch­er (27), Kadeem Al­leyne (24), Joshua Bish­op (24), Ny­eem Young (24), Shaqkere Par­ris (21), Kevin Wick­ham (21), Zis­han Mo­tara (18), Ra­mon Sim­monds (23), Ju­nior Sin­clair (24), Demetrius Richards (23), Shi­an Brath­waite (25), Sion Hack­ett (21), Nathan Sealy (20), Amari Goodridge (23).

Ja­maica Ti­tans: Deeth­mar An­der­son (29), Leroy Lugg (28), Ra­maal Lewis (28), Jeav­or Roy­al (26), Kirk McKen­zie (24), Jor­dan John­son (19), Tamarie Red­wood (18), Michael Clarke (25), Go­v­as­ta Ed­mond (18), Re­on Ed­wards (18), An­tho­ny Dacres (21), Bri­an Barnes (19), An­drew Ram­baran (19), Zion Brath­wait­he (19).

(Cour­tesy CWI Me­dia)

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