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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Yorke leaves Macarthur for Sydney FC


764 days ago
T&T’s Dwight Yorke

T&T’s Dwight Yorke

Dwight Yorke’s stint as Macarthur FC coach is over.

The for­mer Man­ches­ter Unit­ed strik­er now turn coach, part­ed ways with the club af­ter just 13 A League games in­to a two-year con­tract.

Yorke’s last game in charge was Fri­day’s 1-0 loss away to Ade­laide Unit­ed.

He held a meet­ing with Macarthur chair­man Gi­no Mar­ra yes­ter­day where it was de­cid­ed they would agree to mu­tu­al­ly ter­mi­nate his con­tract.

The Macarthur job was Yorke’s first for­ay in­to man­age­ment af­ter a glit­ter­ing play­ing ca­reer. He achieved his coach­ing badge at Unit­ed, where Sir Alex Fer­gu­son was men­tor for him.

He won the Aus­tralia Cup - the Bulls’ first piece of sil­ver­ware - and picked up five wins in the league.

How­ev­er, Yorke could stick around in Aus­tralia, with A-League strug­glers Syd­ney FC lin­ing up a swoop for the 51-year-old. Syd­ney sacked Steve Cor­i­ca af­ter a dis­ap­point­ing start to the sea­son and that has opened the door for Yorke, who played for the club in the in­au­gur­al A-League sea­son in 2005.

The five-time cham­pi­ons are un­der in­creas­ing pres­sure af­ter their slow start, fol­low­ing a ter­ri­ble 2021-22 cam­paign, in which they failed to reach the fi­nals.

Macarthur’s state­ment con­ced­ed that Yorke would like ‘to pur­sue oth­er op­por­tu­ni­ties’, fur­ther strength­en­ing spec­u­la­tion that he could re­turn to his old club.

‘I want to thank the chair­man Gi­no Mar­ra, CEO Sam Krslovic, all the own­er­ship group as well as all the staff, fans of Macarthur FC,’ Yorke said on his de­par­ture.

‘I leave the foot­ball club with a great team that will con­tin­ue to chal­lenge for more sil­ver­ware’.

As­sis­tant coach Rus­sell Lat­apy has al­so left the club, with Macarthur now search­ing for their third man­ag­er in the space of a year af­ter Yorke was brought in to re­place Ante Mili­cic.

Yorke’s glit­ter­ing play­ing re­sume - which in­clud­ed a stint at Syd­ney FC in the A-League’s maid­en sea­son - cre­at­ed greater in­trigue in a com­pe­ti­tion and club which has strug­gled to com­mand at­ten­tion.

He was rec­om­mend­ed to the club by for­mer As­ton Vil­la team­mate Mark Bosnich, who is close with Macarthur’s hi­er­ar­chy.

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