T&T has an abundance of world class talent and potential. If only we believed in ourselves and not spend too much time focusing on what's wrong.When life happens and things don't go the way you expect it, it is easy to question yourself.Self doubt sets in and you question yourself and allow others to get into your head with their negativity.
It's tough to be accountable when you really want to indulge in self pity. On the road to 10 or more Olympic Gold medals by the year 2024 there will be many obstacles.In the face of these obstacles the questions you ask yourself will be very important.
Last Saturday I accepted an invitation from Dr Heather Cateau to participate as a member of a panel at a UWI, St Augustine, Campus and Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut Turning Tides conference entitled: Caribbean Intersections in the Americas and Beyond .
A special session saw the panel which included TTOC secretary general Mrs Annette Knott, Olympian and Pan Am champion Cleopatra Borel, Major David Benjamin and sport journalist Kwame Laurence discuss the Topic "Trinidad and Tobago's Olympic Quest 2016: Past Victories, future prospects."
One question asked was what are the things needed to achieve 10 or more gold medals? For me it begins with the why. Next comes figuring out what's most important and give it your undivided attention.
Other theories that provide guidance for clarity in decision making include: The 80/20 principle (Pareto's Principle), it's pretty simple: the 80/20 principle says that the minority of your effort leads to the majority of your results. It's not necessarily about the exact numbers (80 percent; 20 percent) as much as it's about the simple truth behind them, which is this: a small percentage of what you do accounts for a large percentage of the results you experience.
In his book Gary Keller asks:" What's the ONE Thing I can do / such that by doing it / everything else will be easier or unnecessary?"
What's the ONE Thing I can do? This first part of the Focusing Question is about taking action, it's not the ONE thing you "should do," or "could do," or "would do"–but the ONE Thing you CAN do. The word "can" implies action, as opposed to others, which imply intention.
This part of the question lets you know you're about to get specific. It means that you're about to take action on something that actually has a purpose. Everything else will be easier or unnecessary. This final part of the Focusing Question is about LEVERAGE. It says that when you do this ONE Thing, everything else you could do to accomplish your goal will now be either doable with less effort or no longer even necessary.
For example: hiring an assistant to handle your calls and emails is a levered action that frees up the time you used to put into calls and emails, thus making it easier for you to focus on growing your business. When you have a strong purpose, you can become clear about your highest priority.
Whats your why? Think big, but focus on one thing at a time. Ask the wrong question, and you will get the wrong answer. When you have a strong Purpose, you can become clear about your highest Priority.
�2Brian Lewis is the President of the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee ( TTOC ). The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Olympic Committee. Support #10 Golds24 Athlete Welfare and Preparation Fund. Buy #TeamTTO Teeshirts at Fan Club Stores.