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Friday, March 28, 2025

Murder-suicide rocks Trincity



The worst fears of Rose­marie Black­burn's two adult chil­dren were re­alised yes­ter­day when they heard a sin­gle gun­shot in their home and with­in sec­onds dis­cov­ered their moth­er dead ly­ing on the bath­room floor of their Trinci­ty home.

As they at­tempt­ed to get help from near­by neigh­bours they saw their fa­ther run­ning out of the house, get­ting in­to his ve­hi­cle and speed­ing off.

Min­utes af­ter po­lice of­fi­cers from the North­ern Di­vi­sion Task Force (NDTF) re­ceived in­for­ma­tion that the black Tuc­son SUV PBZ 6505 was spot­ted in a parked po­si­tion at Os­prey Dri­ve, Mil­len­ni­um Park, Trinci­ty.

As the of­fi­cers ap­proached the ve­hi­cle with guns at the ready, a gun­shot rang off. Busi­ness­man Edrick Black­burn, 55, had shot him­self in the head while in the dri­ver's seat.

In­ves­ti­gat­ing of­fi­cers told the T&T Guardian that around 9.45 am Black­burn got in­to an ar­gu­ment at his home at 3rd Street West, Beaulieu Av­enue, Trinci­ty with his wife, Rose­marie, known as Rosie. It was dur­ing the heat­ed ar­gu­ment that Black­burn took his li­censed firearm and shot 55-year-old Rose­marie twice in the chest. She col­lapsed and died in the bath­room of the flat con­crete house.

Black­burn, who was a for­eign used car deal­er re­port­ed­ly shot him­self short­ly

af­ter noon.

The cou­ple's adult chil­dren, a man and a woman, are said to be very trau­ma­tised. They both sat in a white Nis­san Ti­i­da for hours out­side the fam­i­ly's house as Crime Scene In­ves­ti­ga­tors processed the scene.

Rose­marie's body was re­moved at 4.10 pm. How­ev­er, in­ves­ti­ga­tors re­mained on the scene up to late yes­ter­day car­ry­ing out fur­ther in­ves­ti­ga­tions.

The in­ves­ti­ga­tions were head­ed by Supt Steven­son Mark and Di­vi­sion In­sp Now­butt.

The T&T Guardian was told that both Black­burn and his wife of­ten ac­cused each oth­er of be­ing un­faith­ful in their mar­riage. Even ear­li­er this week a big ar­gu­ment broke out be­tween the two, ac­cord­ing to po­lice of­fi­cers.

A close friend of the fam­i­ly, who wished not to be iden­ti­fied, de­scribed Rose­marie as a very pleas­ant, po­lite and cour­te­ous woman.

"She was well loved by all who knew her. She and her son were al­so so very close. I don't even know how her son will sur­vive with all this. It's too much for them," the close friend said.

A neigh­bour, who al­so wished not to be iden­ti­fied said they saw no sign that the cou­ple might be ex­pe­ri­enc­ing do­mes­tic prob­lems.

"In pub­lic they al­ways seemed so hap­py but you re­al­ly doesn't know what peo­ple go through be­hind closed doors. We nev­er had the slight­est idea that some­thing was dras­ti­cal­ly wrong with them," the neigh­bour said.

An in­ves­ti­gat­ing of­fi­cer, in speak­ing with the T&T Guardian, af­ter Rose­marie's body was re­moved, took the op­por­tu­ni­ty to urge vic­tims of do­mes­tic abuse and vi­o­lence to re­port all in­ci­dents to the po­lice.

The of­fi­cer al­so ad­vised that in cas­es where a hus­band or wife owns a li­censed firearms, a spouse be­ing sub­ject­ed to do­mes­tic abuse should im­me­di­ate­ly seek to in­form the Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er in writ­ing that they are vic­tims and that they feel threat­ened. He said this is es­pe­cial­ly im­por­tant, in cas­es where the firearm is legal­ly li­censed.

In­ves­ti­ga­tions are con­tin­u­ing.

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