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Monday, March 17, 2025

Ex-soldiers held with illegal guns, ammo



Two ex-Spe­cial Forces sol­diers were ar­rest­ed on Wednes­day morn­ing af­ter po­lice in­ter­cept­ed a SUV, near Munroe Road Fly­over, and re­cov­ered three il­le­gal guns, a quan­ti­ty of am­mu­ni­tion and pair of false num­ber plates.

Around 6.40 am, po­lice of­fi­cers from the High­way Pa­trol Unit in­ter­cept­ed a sil­ver Qashqai Nis­san SUV with two men in the ve­hi­cle.

The SU­Vwas on the north bound lane of the Uri­ah But­ler High­way near the Munroe Road fly­over, near Ch­agua­nas.

Po­lice of­fi­cers searched the ve­hi­cle and dis­cov­ered an undis­closed quan­ti­ty of am­mu­ni­tion, three firearms in­clud­ing a mi­ni-uzi with an ex­tend­ed mag­a­zine and a quan­ti­ty of cash.

The of­fi­cers al­so dis­cov­eredspare num­ber plates in the men's pos­ses­sion.

Pho­tos of the po­lice op­er­a­tion, items seized and the men be­ing de­tained were cir­cu­lat­ed in var­i­ous so­cial me­dia plat­forms min­utes af­ter they were held.

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