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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Rain brings floods in Chase Village



Cou­va North MP Ra­mona Ram­di­al is call­ing on the min­istries of Lo­cal Gov­ern­ment and Works to do ma­jor clear­ing of drains in her con­stituen­cy. The op­po­si­tion MP made the call yes­ter­day af­ter she vis­it­ed res­i­dents of Chase Vil­lage, Ch­agua­nas, whose homes were flood­ed fol­low­ing heavy rains, yes­ter­day.

Ram­di­al said most drains in the area are clogged and filled with de­bris. She warned there could more flood­ing un­less ur­gent ac­tion is tak­en. She said the flood­ing at Chase Vil­lage was caused by a col­lapsed un­der­ground drain.

The cen­tral di­vi­sion of the Min­istry of Works is wait­ing for ap­proval from Works Min­is­ter Fitzger­ald Hinds for in­fra­struc­tur­al work in the area. One of the af­fect­ed res­i­dents, Har­ry­nar­ine Per­sad, said it takes about 12 hours for the wa­ter to drain from his prop­er­ty which is lo­cat­ed on the South­ern Main Road.

He said flood­ing has dam­aged walls in his prop­er­ty which are on the verge of col­laps­ing.

Ram­di­al said the Fire Ser­vice and staff from the Of­fice of Dis­as­ter Pre­pared­ness and Man­age­ment (ODPM) as­sist­ed with pump­ing wa­ter out of flood­ed homes.

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