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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

School for Pandits



The Pan­dits' Parishad (Coun­cil of Pan­dits), of the Sanatan Dhar­ma Ma­ha Sab­ha and the Pan­dit Paras­ram School of Hin­duism have em­barked up­on a joint ven­ture to train pan­dits in the var­i­ous as­pects of Pan­di­tai and Hin­duism.The ob­jec­tive is to pro­duce a cadre of pro­fi­cient pan­dits who are com­pe­tent in con­duct­ing poo­jas, who are versed in the Hin­du scrip­tures and who can con­fi­dent­ly ex­pound the philoso­phies of Hin­duism.

These trained pan­dits will be­come the am­bas­sadors of Hin­duism and will be able to in­te­grate the lofti­est prin­ci­ples of Sanatan Dhar­ma, as com­mu­ni­cat­ed by the an­cient sages, with the brand of Hin­duism that was brought to the Caribbean by our fore­fa­thers and which has sur­vived up to to­day.

More than 50 are reg­is­tered for the two-year cer­tifi­cate pro­gramme, which be­gan in April, and for which class­es are held week­ly. The pan­dits come from var­i­ous parts of T&T, in­clud­ing San­gre Grande, Ce­dros, Bar­rack­pore, Williamsville and Point Fortin. The ages of the par­tic­i­pants are al­so di­verse, with the youngest par­tic­i­pant be­ing nine years of age and the el­dest be­ing 80.­i­tal/new-mem­bers

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