The chief breadwinner suddenly dies in a family. Children and babies are left to fend for themselves. The mother suffers a nervous breakdown. A disabled person needs a wheelchair. Single mothers are unable to provide sufficient food, clothing and shelter for their precious children.
When crises and personal misfortunes, like the aforementioned, test the strength and fortitude of vulnerable citizens, the Guardian Neediest Cases Fund lends a helping hand. Its credo is Making A Difference. It has been reaching out to needy citizens since 1934. The Fund operates as a non-governmental organisation (NGO) within ANSA McAL. To date, many citizens have received monetary and material relief.
Interviewed recently, the Fund's administrator, Ann Marcia Samm said they remained committed to helping the poor, disadvantaged, vulnerable and weak. ANSA McAL Awards Co-ordinator, Maria Nielson-Superville, is also very active in raising donations. She said: "The Fund is intended to help people in need; especially those who are sick, disabled and cannot work. They reach out to single parents and help with basic living expenses. They reach out to the elderly and neglected in the society. We help people from Toco to Tortuga. We help people from Charlotteville to Cedros. We traverse the entire length of T&T."
She added: "We find a lot of single mothers are most vulnerable. In 2011, we assisted 998 people. From that number, 936 were given Christmas grants. The others were given assistance throughout the year. Monies were given in grants, which ranged from $250 to $1000." Samm explained when a needy person makes a request, the Board of Trustees would decide upon the appropriate sum. They would consider mitigating circumstances and factors, like the number of children, people employed and even their living conditions. Then, the Board of Trustees would decide if it's $1,000 or more.
Last year, Samm said people received about $275,000. "We paid out about $275,000." She is hoping more people would pledge financial assistance so more humanitarian work could be done.
More info
• Donations to the Guardian Neediest Cases Fund may be made at the offices of the Guardian at 22-24 St Vincent Street, Port-of-Spain; Chancery Lane, San Fernando, and Mid Centre Mall, Chaguanas, or through any branch of RBC Bank or Republic Bank Ltd. Cheques can also be made out to the Guardian Neediest Cases Fund. A thermometer records the names and sums pledged.