Farhana Cannon is a 28-year-old entrepreneur specialising in social media coaching. She's a graduate of the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City with a major in Merchandising. Her mother is Trinidadian, but she lives and works out of Boston. Straight out of school she began working in marketing and branding for natural health and luxury brands, managing events, sales PR, product placement and social media for several companies. It soon became clear that social media was the way to go for Cannon, and she decided to narrow her focus, opening her social media marketing consulting firm iMedia Exposure in December 2011. "There are two kinds of people, the eaters and the bakers," Cannon explained in an e-mail interview. "Some people want to eat as much as they can and some people want to bake a bigger pie so that there is enough for everyone to eat. I am a baker. I truly want to create jobs, wealth, and happiness."
Cannon put some of her goods on the table for free at an event held at Coco Lounge where she offered an overview of social media services and tips on their use. The consultant used her own techniques to promote the event, relying on her Facebook page to promote an event that filled the small room. Social media neophytes might have been a bit confused at the flood of information that the social media consultant offered at a brisk clip. Of the local population active on the Internet, 95.4 per cent of users are on Facebook, representing 37.6 per cent of the overall population. Cannon suggested that business users should be putting their logo in the new banner on Facebook pages and making more creative use of the timeline format as well as videos and photographs. Business strategies should be social by design, feature an authentic voice speaking for the brand, encourage relationships with customers as well as interactivity with the page's content. Cannon, an attractive young woman with a keen, enthusiastic speaking style, is determined to get the businesses she speaks with to see the potential of social media.
"I train companies how to market their brand to their target demographic," Cannon said. "I do offer full service social media marketing packages but I do stress the need for companies to be self-reliant. Someone that is in the business daily will be able to really feel the heartbeat of the brand and will be able to share this essence." If it were that simple, of course, everybody would be doing it. Farhana Cannon's key intervention is in keeping companies accountable to their marketing efforts. Cannon focuses projects on a marketing plan that she reviews weekly, the results of which are tracked using analytics. "I guarantee clients a significant increase in sales within six months." Travelling regularly she keeps in contact with her clients via scheduled Skype chats while she's on the move. Apart from live training and consulting and ongoing marketing projects, Cannon also offers a series of focused webinars on maximising a marketing presence using Pinterest, Google+ and Foursquare along with the big three, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Farhana Cannon decided on a social media consultancy two years ago after answering two questions about her varied career goals. She liked marketing and she thought social media had the biggest impact. Now she wants to help her customers come to the same conclusion. Interested in Farhana Cannon's services? The consultant is offering a 60 per cent discount on webinars and 20 per cent off on her services until July 31 to BitDepth readers. e-mail her at farhana@iMediaExposure.com with BitDepth831 in the subject line to make contact.
Read my full interview with Farhana Cannon here: http://ow.ly/alRzy