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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Bago Sports drops Guyana's beach football team



For­mer St Mary's Col­lege stand­out mid­field­er Chad "Raul" Ap­poo scored the most goals and was award­ed the Most Valu­able Play­er for Bago Sports Beach Soc­cer Club, which won the Good­will Beach Soc­cer Se­ries, at the Chris­tian­burg Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­tre, Guyana, over the week­end. The tech­ni­cal­ly bril­liant Ap­poo helped, Bago Sports to two wins against Guyana's Na­tion­al Beach Soc­cer team, the "Red Jaguars", 6-5 and 6-5, in a three match se­ries, on Fri­day and Sat­ur­day. On Sun­day, Bago Sports lost its on­ly match, 7-3, af­ter al­ready se­cur­ing vic­to­ry.

The team was led by the on­ly FI­FA Beach Soc­cer cer­ti­fied coach in T&T, Dane Bernard and was cap­tained by for­mer na­tion­al de­fend­er Makan His­lop. It oth­er­wise com­pris­es of play­ers, Vic­tor Thomas, Lewis Forde, Jerome Dick­in­son, Shal­lum Bobb, Rod­ney Nel­son, Stevon Stoute, An­dre Reid and Gre­go­ry Simp­son. The team will take to the North Amer­i­can Sand Soc­cer Cham­pi­onship (NASSC) from June 8-10, in Vir­ginia Beach, USA. It is the on­ly Caribbean team which has been in­vit­ed to the mas­sive event, that boasts of more than nine hun­dred teams.

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