Shahad Ali
Senior Press Pass Correspondent
Often described as a beacon of hope for youths in Trinidad and Tobago, Don La Foucade has successfully launched his newest publication, entitled 'Facing the Storms of Life...In Full Flight!' The private launch took place at the National Library in Port-of-Spain on Saturday 26th May, with close friends, relatives and supporters. The inspirational book is the second produced by La Foucade. It primarily comprises of the articles that he has written in the Guardian's gieMAGAZINE. It is not simply a collection of inspirational and motivational articles, but also includes a workbook for some form of self assessment. Speaking at the launch, Former First Lady, Mrs. Zalayhar Hassanali stated: "This is what Don wanted to do and he is so good at it. They (the children) love to hear him speak, especially when he plays on words." La Foucade has made his motivational talks specific to a certain style. He often breaks up many words, much like the style of a Pierrot Grenade.
The Executive Director of the Junior Achievers Programme, J. Errol Lewis, also had positive things to say about La Foucade's work. He stated, "Don was born to work with young people". Lewis took the gathering down memory lane as he recounted his first meeting with La Foucade at the Young Leaders programme. He then insisted that "Don has found his niche and has developed us all". Also speaking at the launch was Pamela Francis, CEO of United Way Trinidad and Tobago. She recalled La Foucade's first approach for sponsorship for workshops to be held in Secondary Schools across Trinidad and Tobago. Her company along with British Petroleum Trinidad and Tobago (BPTT) took up on the offer, which soon led to the declaration of a very successful initiative. Editor of gieMAGAZINE, Bavina Sookdeo, expressed amazement when she had first met La Foucade at the Secondary School's Leadership Symposium (held by Guardian's Sport Desk). "He had 300 secondary school students eating out of his hands" she exclaimed. As such, Sookdeo did not hesitate in asking La Foucade to write for the magazine on a weekly basis. These articles have now been published in a single book, for the benefit of the entire nation.
For a man of many words, Don La Foucade took the front of the auditorium in tears, expressing how difficult it was to speak. "We are either part of the problem or part of the solution" he stated. He told the crowd that his decision to leave the banking industry was not done light heartedly. He was determined to make a difference. He expressed how difficult it could be with a demanding schedule, sometimes having to travel to many points of the country in one day. "We have thousands of young, hurting people in this country" the inspirational speaker stated. He added that his long journey makes the biggest difference when a child approaches him after a talk and says "Sir I am glad I heard you talk, because I was about to take my life." At this point tears were welling up in La Foucade's eyes. He continued to recount some of his experiences, stating that he spoke with youths who have taken lives because of the mere fact that people around them do not care. "The young people need someone to put home in their lives" reiterating the need for such values in a child's life. He mentioned that every time he visits the Youth Training Centre many of the young boys would flock around him, for that desperate need of a father figure in their life. "It's really quite a sad thing to see" he said. The launch came to a close with some light refreshments, along with a book signing by La Foucade. The audience was treated to dramatic performances by the Steven Edwards production group, keeping the proceedings quite entertaining and engaging.
Look out for
Don La Foucade's latest book 'Facing the Storms of Life... In Full Flight' at a
bookstore near you.