Enough has been written on the inane remarks by one Milne and he is no doubt by now decided to immigrate to the Galapagos Islands. What was expected are the attacks, once more, on the quality of the Jamaican squad, needless to say by the Americans – in this case Carl Lewis. The smear campaign began in China at the last Olympics where it was questioned how Bolt could run so many races and still achieve Gold. They of course excluded the fact that Michael Johnson ran more races over longer distances at a time when drug testing was far from being as sophisticated as now. This same Carl Lewis achieved Gold in 4 events in the same Olympics one of which, the Long Jump, is time consuming and very tiring on an athlete, especially a sprinter.
Of course being an American he was not on drugs – like say Marion Jones who it has been discovered was making good use of enhancement performance. While Lewis is at it why doesn't he also accuse the small islands of the Caribbean? Let's see now – excluding Puerto Rico & Cuba the Islands of the Caribbean have produced a myriad of finalists in the sprints & in particular gold, silver & bronze in the 400M, with horrors. There is an old saying – people in glass houses should not throw stones. I think Lewis should bear this in mind.
D Kidman
Via e-mail