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Friday, January 10, 2025

Don't throw stones from glass houses



Enough has been writ­ten on the inane re­marks by one Milne and he is no doubt by now de­cid­ed to im­mi­grate to the Gala­pa­gos Is­lands. What was ex­pect­ed are the at­tacks, once more, on the qual­i­ty of the Ja­maican squad, need­less to say by the Amer­i­cans – in this case Carl Lewis. The smear cam­paign be­gan in Chi­na at the last Olympics where it was ques­tioned how Bolt could run so many races and still achieve Gold. They of course ex­clud­ed the fact that Michael John­son ran more races over longer dis­tances at a time when drug test­ing was far from be­ing as so­phis­ti­cat­ed as now. This same Carl Lewis achieved Gold in 4 events in the same Olympics one of which, the Long Jump, is time con­sum­ing and very tir­ing on an ath­lete, es­pe­cial­ly a sprint­er.

Of course be­ing an Amer­i­can he was not on drugs – like say Mar­i­on Jones who it has been dis­cov­ered was mak­ing good use of en­hance­ment per­for­mance. While Lewis is at it why doesn't he al­so ac­cuse the small is­lands of the Caribbean? Let's see now – ex­clud­ing Puer­to Ri­co & Cu­ba the Is­lands of the Caribbean have pro­duced a myr­i­ad of fi­nal­ists in the sprints & in par­tic­u­lar gold, sil­ver & bronze in the 400M, with hor­rors. There is an old say­ing – peo­ple in glass hous­es should not throw stones. I think Lewis should bear this in mind.

D Kid­man

Via e-mail

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