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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Calypso legend celebrated in biography


Medical missionaries from the United States examine members of the Laventille community during the free clinic testing which was recently hosted.

Medical missionaries from the United States examine members of the Laventille community during the free clinic testing which was recently hosted.

The Trin­ba­go Unit­ed Ca­lyp­so­ni­ans' Or­gan­i­sa­tion (Tu­co) ex­tend­ed hearti­est con­grat­u­la­tions to the Ho­n­ourable Mc Artha Lewis, Ca­lyp­so Rose, on the world pre­miere of the doc­u­men­tary film Li­oness of the Jun­gle. The full length fea­ture film is an ex­cit­ing and in­for­ma­tive bi­og­ra­phy that ex­plores the life and ca­reer path of Ca­lyp­so Rose, one of ca­lyp­so's liv­ing leg­ends. The film was pro­duced by world renowned African film­mak­er, Pas­cale Obo­lo, as a spe­cial project un­der the Unit­ed Na­tions. It is ex­pect­ed to be dis­trib­uted glob­al­ly and will pro­vide an im­me­di­ate ve­hi­cle po­si­tion­ing Ca­lyp­so Rose to cap­i­talise on her pop­u­lar­i­ty in the world mar­ket.

Ca­lyp­so Rose is a re­cip­i­ent of the Hum­ming Bird Medal Gold from the Gov­ern­ment and peo­ple of T&T for her con­tri­bu­tion to cul­ture. The Be­lizean Gov­ern­ment has be­stowed hon­orary cit­i­zen­ship up­on her, while the Smith­son­ian In­sti­tute (USA) has named Ca­lyp­so Rose the world's top fe­male ca­lyp­son­ian. Last year she was al­so ho­n­oured by the Gov­ern­ment and peo­ple of France. Ca­lyp­so Rose en­tered the male dom­i­nat­ed ca­lyp­so are­na in the 1960s and had ear­ly suc­cess with Fire Fire. This song went on to be­come a ma­jor hit span­ning the var­i­ous decades, and carved out a promi­nent space on the hit list of ca­lyp­so and world mu­sic mar­kets. By 1977 Rose cap­tured her first ma­jor na­tion­al ti­tle, the cov­et­ed Road March. She was the first woman to win this com­pe­ti­tion.

One year lat­er Mc Artha Lewis forced the Car­ni­val au­thor­i­ties to change the Na­tion­al Ca­lyp­so ti­tle from Na­tion­al Ca­lyp­so King to Monarch. With two pow­er­ful songs, I Thank Thee and Her Majesty, she con­quered the are­na of men and em­braced the most pres­ti­gious ti­tle in the world of ca­lyp­so. To com­plete her dom­i­nance she re­peat­ed her vic­to­ry in the Road March com­pe­ti­tion that same year.

Mc Artha Lewis stepped out of To­ba­go on­to a foun­da­tion laid by cru­saders like La­dy Trinidad and La­dy Iere. But she was de­ter­mined to carve out her own path in the world. And so it was Ca­lyp­so Rose who cre­at­ed op­por­tu­ni­ties and opened doors for many suc­cess­ful women artiste in the en­ter­tain­ment in­dus­try as a whole, in T&T and world­wide.

To­day we cel­e­brate a Na­tion­al Ca­lyp­so Monarch in the per­son­al­i­ty of Karene As­che, while the ho­n­our roll of cham­pi­ons boasts women like Singing San­dra, Denyse Plum­mer, Fay Ann Lyons, San­nel Demp­ster and more. The Na­tion­al Car­ni­val Com­mis­sion (NCC) ded­i­cat­ed Car­ni­val 2011 to the pow­er of Ca­lyp­so Rose. Tu­co paid trib­ute to this ma­jes­tic su­per­star of ca­lyp­so by ho­n­our­ing her dur­ing the Kaiso­ra­ma event, with the un­veil­ing of a wood­en sculp­ture of her head and shoul­ders. In­deed as the world gov­ern­ing body for ca­lyp­so, Tu­co ex­pressed ex­treme pride of the achieve­ments and the glob­al sta­tus of Mc Artha Lewis, Ca­lyp­so Rose. "It is the tremen­dous work that artistes like Ca­lyp­so Rose have done in the world of ca­lyp­so that jus­ti­fies the very ex­is­tence of the rep­re­sen­ta­tive body that is Tu­co," a re­lease from the or­gan­i­sa­tion stat­ed. The world pre­miere of the film, Li­oness of the Jun­gle, is sched­uled to take place in To­ba­go on May 6.

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