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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Entertainer KI assaulted in Florida


741 days ago
 KI shows the injury he received after an assault by six men at a restaurant in Florida, USA, on Friday.

KI shows the injury he received after an assault by six men at a restaurant in Florida, USA, on Friday.



For­mer triple-crown In­ter­na­tion­al Chut­ney So­ca Monarch KI was as­sault­ed by six men at a restau­rant in Flori­da, USA, on Fri­day.

The pop­u­lar crossover singer–whose re­al name is Kris Vee­shal Per­sad–took to so­cial me­dia yes­ter­day to post about the at­tack.

KI had a blood-stained plas­ter on the right side of his head, a blood-shot left eye and ban­dages on his up­per right arm.

He said, "Imag­ine I come quite Flori­da to get my a** cut. We were in a restau­rant last night, some fel­la take me for some wrong idea. I hear him talk­ing when I went to the bath­room 'I doh care who he is,' like he had it in his mind.

"I just get a slap, then he take his beer bot­tle and break it on my face here, I get cut up all over. I re­mem­ber I was on the ground watch­ing up. They just beat­ing me, stamp­ing my head, bel­ly and back. They beat me re­al bad; six of them. For the love of chut­ney."

In one Face­book post KI ends with an im­promp­tu song:

"Dis gyul right here

She lie to meh

She nev­er tell me about she hus­band

I geh licks for nut­tin

Meh whole body hut­tin'

Yuh cyar trust dem gyul nowa­days."

When Guardian Me­dia con­tact­ed KI yes­ter­day, he said he made an of­fi­cial po­lice re­port and an in­ves­ti­ga­tion was go­ing to be un­der­tak­en.

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