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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Exodus, Joki One team up for Carnival


20 days ago

M as band Jo­ki One has teamed up with Re­pub­lic Bank Ex­o­dus to give mas­quer­aders a sen­sa­tion­al Car­ni­val ex­pe­ri­ence.

Wal­da George-Wait­he says Jo­ki One will be pre­sent­ing two bands for the sea­son. Their adult pre­sen­ta­tion, Wel­come Aboard, will be on the streets for Car­ni­val Mon­day and Tues­day with mu­sic sup­plied by Ex­o­dus, and they are al­so pro­duc­ing a chil­dren’s band, 25.

Ex­o­dus man­ag­er Ainsworth Mo­hammed not­ed that the mas band pays homage to one of the most known and beloved Car­ni­val char­ac­ters, the sailor. George-Wait­he, along with co-de­sign­ers Kevon Gareth-Foder­ing­ham, Karel Phillips and Kristy Marie Madray, are do­ing their part to keep that tra­di­tion alive.

“Wel­come Aboard is a sailor mas with a bit of a twist; a touch of moder­ni­ty to en­sure its pos­ter­i­ty, so join us for a fun time on the streets of Port-of-Spain,” she ex­plained.

Cos­tumes range from $1,200-$1,500 and pack­ages in­clude Mon­day wear, lunch, re­fresh­ments and bev­er­ages.

The sec­tions are L’In­ten­dant (Yeo­man), Con­gé à terre (Shore Leave), Marin de Pre­mière Classe (First Class Sea­man), D’amar­rage (Moor­ing), Le Dra­peau (Flag Sig­nals t-shirt sec­tion), and Sous-lieu­tenant de la Ma­rine Française (Sub-Lieu­tenant of the French Navy).

The pack­age for the kid­die’s band in­cludes snacks and bev­er­ages.

George-Wait­he said while there will be the usu­al fun dur­ing the rev­el­ry, she’s a strong be­liev­er that Car­ni­val is an ed­u­ca­tion­al tool for every­one.

“25 pays homage to the year 2025, the sil­ver an­niver­sary of the 21st Cen­tu­ry, and ow­ing to the uni­ver­sal­ly ac­cept­ed colour to cel­e­brate a 25th-an­niver­sary be­ing sil­ver, every­one will learn a bit of some­thing new about sil­ver,” she said.

Sec­tions are 25 Let’s Cel­e­brate It, 25 In Ro­man Nu­mer­als, 25 Let’s Count It, 25 In Chem­istry, and 25 In Coins. Cos­tumes range in price from $100-$900.

In-per­son and on­line reg­is­tra­tions for both bands are in progress dai­ly at the mas camp, 27 Prince Street, Ari­ma, and at Ex­o­dus pa­n­yard dur­ing re­hearsal hours.

For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion vis­it walda­george­ or east­­o­dus­mas2025.

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