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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Orange Sky’s last blast


912 days ago
Orange Sky

Orange Sky

Or­ange Sky’s Last Blast is on from 6 pm on Sep­tem­ber 3 at Sound­Forge, but the mo­ment feels like the ‘con­tin­u­a­tion’ of the band’s two-decade saga of mu­si­cal prowess– a per­for­mance track record among lo­cal Rock bands that stands as a pil­lar of in­spi­ra­tion to­day.

“This is what we were dream­ing about and talk­ing about since Nicholas was six years old and I was ten years old. Every­thing that has hap­pened with Or­ange Sky and in our lives for the past 27 years lit­er­al­ly were dreams that came true, and the saga con­tin­ues. We feel as if we’re now start­ing. We feel like we are now be­gin­ning a new chap­ter, af­ter 25 years.”

A press re­lease from Or­ange Sky ex­plained that this will be the band’s first live, head­lined show since the pan­dem­ic, with the leg­ends of lo­cal Rock, throw­ing a dou­ble cel­e­bra­tion of its 25th an­niver­sary (2020), along with their brand new eleven-track al­bum, Strange Days from 7 pm at Sound­Forge.

“We’re call­ing it the Last Blast be­cause it’s the last Sat­ur­day be­fore the end of sum­mer. We just want the whole of Trinidad to come on down, we are re­al­ly look­ing for­ward to con­nect again with lo­cal fans,” shared front man Nigel Ro­jas.

He con­firmed that Or­ange Sky hasn’t head­lined their own show in about three years. Their 25th an­niver­sary kicked off with a vir­tu­al per­for­mance in 2021 and he gave an in­tense de­scrip­tion of what au­di­ences could ex­pect of the vibe and en­er­gy of the band for this com­ing show.

“We’re go­ing to come with all the en­er­gy of the last three years of be­ing re­pressed and not be­ing able to do what we do best, which is to play live and con­nect and share our mu­sic live. That’s a big part of the Or­ange Sky vibe.”

“The en­er­gy that we’re go­ing to bring is a de­praved, des­per­ate en­er­gy - it’s go­ing to be un­be­liev­able. we can’t wait to share with our fans the new mu­sic and our orig­i­nal hits,” Ro­jas re­vealed.

Con­cert go­ers can ex­pect Re­al Love, Vi­t­a­min G, Alone, to Beau­ti­ful Day as some Or­ange Sky clas­sics on the setlist and the band will al­so be per­form­ing tracks off their newest al­bum, Strange Day such as Crazy, Wheels and Tem­po­rary.

Oth­er guest bands who will per­form in­clude, The Nar­rows a young band mak­ing waves on the rock scene fea­tur­ing son of Or­ange Sky drum­mer Dion Ca­ma­cho, Sabastien Ca­ma­cho, who will open the show. Side­kick En­vy, Ban­gaseed and In­cert Coin will al­so per­form, all of which Ro­jas de­scribed as three dif­fer­ent kinds of lo­cal bands with three dif­fer­ent sounds.

“We’re look­ing for­ward to a mag­i­cal night. The feed­back has been un­be­liev­able and tick­et sales are fan­tas­tic so far. Fin­gers crossed we’re go­ing to have a good night. We want to thank our spon­sors Carib, Ali­cia’s Palace, Black and White, Or­ange, John­ny Walk­er, Lit­tle Cae­sar’s, KFC, Apex Ad­ver­tis­ing and Po­den Stu­dios for still be­liev­ing in us keep­ing rock and roll alive. We want every­body to come out and have a great time.”

Al­so to be fea­tured, will be Ozzy Os­borne/Black Sab­bath trib­ute band, Mr Crow­ley, who will be fly­ing in to Trinidad to share the stage with Or­ange Sky. “The guys from Mr Crow­ley as well they know about Trinidad, they can’t wait to get down here and they can’t wait to give every­body the best pos­si­ble Ozzy Os­borne/Black Sab­bath trib­ute,” re­vealed Ro­jas.

Ac­cord­ing to the band’s of­fi­cial bi­og­ra­phy, it was formed in 1999, and over the last 23 years, has gone through count­less mem­bers and in­car­na­tions, many of whom have gone on to join up with larg­er than life acts mak­ing Mr Crow­ley some­what of a breed­ing ground.

In 2013, the band set the Guin­ness Book of World Records for the Largest Air Gui­tar en­sem­ble dur­ing KCAL’s Rock N Roll Bin­go Event at San Manuel Casi­no.

The band does more than just cov­er the songs that made Ozzy Os­borne fa­mous, they tru­ly trib­ute his work, play­ing all of the songs of Ozzy’s en­tire cat­a­log, in­clud­ing both Black Sab­bath as well as his so­lo ca­reer.

The Last Blast will al­so fea­ture DJ Bees Hi-Fi the Met­al Mer­chant, play­ing all the beloved Rock and Met­al hits. Mike Ross, bet­ter known as The Vam­pire will serve as host for the en­tire con­cert.

Tick­ets are $250 and avail­able at Lit­tle Cae­sar’s Stores na­tion­wide, al­so at Rebel Yell West­mall and Gulf City and Burg­er King Ch­agua­nas.

Cool­ers will be al­lowed at the event, with food on sale and an aux­il­iary bar with park­ing avail­able.

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