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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Ross takes Intangience to the world


Joel Julien
1287 days ago

A lo­cal­ly de­vel­oped, trade­marked brand­ing method­ol­o­gy called In­tang­ien­ceTM has been re­ceiv­ing glob­al ac­cla­ma­tion.

The brand­ing method­ol­o­gy was not­ed in the Har­vard Busi­ness Re­view in France by Dr Guila Kessous, UN­ESCO Artist for Peace.

Writ­ing about how in­tan­gi­ble val­ues are in­te­grat­ed in­to what she calls KBI’s or Key Be­hav­iour­al In­di­ca­tors, Dr Kessous ref­er­enced the body of work called In­tang­ien­ce de­vel­oped by Ernie Ross of Ross| Re­Think.

The In­tang­ien­ceTM brand­ing method­ol­o­gy de­vel­oped by Ross was val­i­dat­ed by the Uni­ver­si­ty for Peace es­tab­lished by the Gen­er­al As­sem­bly of the Unit­ed Na­tions.

It was de­vel­oped by Ross in­to a six week cer­tifi­cate course of UP­EACE as­signed with the Uni­ver­si­ty and UN lo­gos with cred­its on the In­tang­ien­ce course go­ing to­wards diplo­ma pro­grams con­duct­ed at UP­EACE.

To­day, busi­ness or­gan­i­sa­tions and stu­dents glob­al­ly ac­cess the course in Span­ish, French and Eng­lish through the Cen­tre of Ex­ec­u­tive Ed­u­ca­tion of the UN es­tab­lished Uni­ver­si­ty for Peace.

Ross has been in­vit­ed to present the in­no­v­a­tive brand­ing method­ol­o­gy in Paris to stu­dents of the pres­ti­gious busi­ness school Ecole des Ponts and mem­bers of the French busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty.

He is al­so col­lab­o­rat­ing with renowned Har­vard Pro­fes­sor Dr Tal Ben Sha­har on a glob­al ini­tia­tive on Pos­i­tiv­i­ty and Per­son­al Per­for­mance us­ing In­tang­ien­ce as part of the frame­work for shift­ing per­spec­tives based up­on “shared in­tan­gi­ble val­ues.”

What ex­act­ly is In­tang­ien­ceTM de­vel­oped by Ross ?

In an in­ter­view with Sun­day Busi­ness Guardian (SBG), Ross ex­plained that the unique word is a port­man­teau of the phras­es in­tan­gi­ble val­ues and what he calls the sci­ence of hu­man con­nec­tion.

In­tang­ien­ceTM is de­scribed by Ross as “the lan­guage of hu­man con­nec­tion spo­ken through shared in­tan­gi­ble val­ues.”

Ross pro­fess­es that the three schools of thought that form the blue­print of the method­ol­o­gy iden­ti­fied as Pil­lars of Pur­pose, Cur­ren­cy of Con­ver­sa­tion and Sci­ence of Hu­man Con­nec­tion, were de­vel­oped not through any aca­d­e­m­ic course of study but by his ex­pe­ri­ences over the years in de­vel­op­ing brands and ob­serv­ing what worked in cre­at­ing these “mean­ing­ful con­nec­tions” with con­sumers.

“What is unique about In­tang­ien­ceTM is that it is a step by step in­struc­tive course on how to cre­ate mean­ing­ful hu­man con­nec­tions for your brand or your­self ” Ross ex­plained.

He de­scribes it as a “deeply in­tro­spec­tive process which cre­ates an epiphan­ic like un­der­stand­ing of per­son­al/brand iden­ti­ty, pur­pose and lega­cy.”

The course he says is high­ly en­gag­ing, en­ter­tain­ing and in­ter­ac­tive and fea­tures sev­er­al for­mats.

“In­tang­ien­ceTM can be a Ted talk type in­tro­duc­tion to the strat­e­gy or a three day work­shop or a full six week course fol­lowed by a more in­tense Mas­tery in In­tang­ien­ce pro­gramme with one on one ses­sions.”

Re­search and ex­am­ples from his own body of work and that of oth­er ma­jor brands and busi­ness­es are used to give ev­i­dence of the the­o­ry in prac­tice.

“This isn’t an aca­d­e­m­ic ex­er­cise” Ross adds, “it is a mea­sur­able prac­tice from which, once ap­plied, im­pres­sive re­sults emerge.”|

Fea­tured on the In­tang­ien­ceTM site are tes­ti­mo­ni­als from the heads of ma­jor cor­po­rate sec­tors and pro­fes­sors from renown learn­ing in­sti­tu­tions.

“We have en­trust­ed our key brands and glob­al ad cam­paigns to the nov­el In­tang­ien­ce process. It seems to have a knack for ac­cu­rate­ly fram­ing com­plex com­mu­ni­ca­tion chal­lenges so that the right so­lu­tions and strate­gies emerge,” An­tho­ny Sab­ga III, CEO of the ANSA McAL Group stat­ed in his tes­ti­mo­ni­al.

“In­tang­ien­ce al­lows par­tic­i­pants to build a deep ap­pre­ci­a­tion of how hu­man be­ings are es­sen­tial­ly emo­tion­al rather than ra­tio­nal be­ings. This pow­er­ful in­sight is crit­i­cal to any­one who needs to pro­mote their or­ga­ni­za­tion, ser­vices, or prod­ucts. My per­son­al ex­pe­ri­ence is that un­der­stand­ing the prin­ci­ples of In­tang­ien­ce has made the world of dif­fer­ence in my abil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate the sto­ry of the UP­EACE Cen­tre for Ex­ec­u­tive Ed­u­ca­tion,” Mo­hit Mukher­jee, the founder UP­EACE Cen­tre for Ex­ec­u­tive Ed­u­ca­tion, Cos­ta Ri­ca stat­ed in his tes­ti­mo­ni­al.

Re­cent­ly In­tang­ien­ceTM be­came the plat­form for a re­gion­al ini­tia­tive called Pan­dem­ic of Per­for­mance con­duct­ed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Guardian Group and pro­fes­sors from Har­vard and Stan­ford.

It at­tract­ed over 2,000 reg­is­trants from across the Caribbean, Unit­ed States, France and even the mid-East. The pro­grams ad­dressed how to be more re­silient and in­no­v­a­tive dur­ing these chal­leng­ing times.

In­tang­ien­ceTM has been used by a di­verse range of clients of Ross | Re­Think over the years from Shell to Guardian Group to Carib Brew­ery to Caribbean Air­lines among oth­ers and has been the re­cip­i­ent of hun­dreds of in­ter­na­tion­al awards.

To think this all be­gan in a tiny apart­ment on the cor­ner of Mathu­ra and Pan­ka Street in St James in the 1980’s gives this glob­al ac­com­plish­ment a place of pride for T&T and the wider Caribbean re­gion.

Ross | Re­Think freely gifts the course to emerg­ing brands and in­di­vid­u­als who have lost their jobs and are look­ing to es­tab­lish a busi­ness.

“It’s on­ly nat­ur­al that this cy­cle should com­plete it­self by re­turn­ing to those who need it most” Ross not­ed, “since it is how I be­gan from scratch with no re­sources oth­er than self be­lief and the hunger to suc­ceed, quite lit­er­al­ly, by putting food on the ta­ble.”

He said that if ever there were a time to un­der­stand how to take ad­ver­si­ty and make it ad­ven­tur­ous op­por­tu­ni­ties for per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al growth, it is now. In­tang­ien­ceTM, Ross be­lieves, will help us all in do­ing just that, to trans­form these chal­leng­ing times in­to “a pan­dem­ic of per­for­mance.”

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