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Thursday, March 20, 2025

JMMB rolls out new Smart ATMs today


Joel Julien
1125 days ago
JMMB Port-of-Spain.

JMMB Port-of-Spain.

Anisto Alves

From to­day cus­tomers will have ac­cess to a new Smart au­to­mat­ed teller ma­chine (ATM) at the JMMB Bank in Ch­agua­nas.

This is the first of four lo­ca­tions that will be out­fit­ted with the new ATMs in the com­ing weeks.

“The JMMB Bank Smart ATMs will pro­vide clients with the added con­ve­nience and an im­proved client ex­pe­ri­ence, by al­low­ing clients to have re­al-time up­dates on their ac­counts and im­me­di­ate ac­cess to cash de­posit­ed, in ad­di­tion to faster trans­ac­tions us­ing the JMMB Bank Visa Deb­it card tap fea­ture,” a re­lease stat­ed yes­ter­day.

JMMB Bank clients will al­so ben­e­fit from in­creased cash and cheque de­posit ca­pac­i­ty, with­in reg­u­la­to­ry lim­its, as these Smart ma­chines can ac­com­mo­date more notes be­ing de­posit­ed at the same time. As such, clients can opt to do large de­posits via the ATM, in­stead of in-branch, sav­ing them time.

Jerome Small­ing, Act­ing JMMB Bank CEO, not­ed, “We are ex­cit­ed to con­tin­ue to de­liv­er on our promise and pro­vide val­ue-added ser­vice and con­tin­u­al­ly im­prove our client ex­pe­ri­ence, by pro­vid­ing in­creased func­tion­al­i­ty through our new Smart ATMs. This move will al­low more bank­ing ser­vices to be at clients’ fin­ger­tips, in keep­ing with their evolv­ing needs, in this “new nor­mal” en­vi­ron­ment and be­yond.”

Small­ing shared that the roll­out of the suite of Smart ATMs will al­so im­prove the bank’s back of­fice pro­cess­ing and ver­i­fi­ca­tion process, as well as its over­all ef­fi­cien­cy.

In prepa­ra­tion for this roll­out, se­lect JMMB Bank ATMs will be tem­porar­i­ly out of ser­vice, or of­fer lim­it­ed ser­vices, in or­der to fa­cil­i­tate in­stal­la­tion of these Smart ATMs.

“We apol­o­gise to our clients for the in­con­ve­nience caused, as we roll out this new fleet of Smart ATMs, and we im­plore them to con­tin­ue to ex­er­cise pa­tience dur­ing this pe­ri­od, as we seek to im­prove their ex­pe­ri­ence,” Gif­ford Rank­ine, gen­er­al man­ag­er, dig­i­tal ser­vices at JMMB Group said.

Rank­ine al­so re­mind­ed clients of al­ter­na­tive chan­nels to con­duct their trans­ac­tions dur­ing the tem­po­rary down­time, not­ing, “JMMB Bank Visa Deb­it card can be used at any Visa-cer­ti­fied ATM or point-of-sale (POS) ma­chine is­land wide, at no cost, dur­ing this tran­si­tion pe­ri­od. In ad­di­tion, JMMB Bank clients can use our on­line plat­form, JMMB Money­line, to con­duct some trans­ac­tions, such as bal­ance in­quiries.”

This up­grade of the Bank’s ATMs fol­lows on the heels of the roll­out of JMMB Bank Visa Deb­it cards and JMMB Money­line on­line sign-up, in the last year.

Rank­ine stat­ed, “The over­all JMMB Group dig­i­tal strat­e­gy comes in re­sponse to the de­mand for more dig­i­tal op­tions, in­creased pop­u­lar­i­ty of al­ter­na­tive ser­vice de­liv­ery chan­nels, and wider ac­cess to the in­ter­net, via af­ford­able da­ta plans and Wi-Fi.”

The JMMB ex­ec al­so out­lined that “dur­ing this new fi­nan­cial year, clients will see even more in­no­va­tion and dig­i­ti­za­tion to our process­es, giv­ing clients added-val­ue, backed by the unique JMMB client ex­pe­ri­ence, which has their best in­ter­est at heart.”

He not­ed, “We look for­ward to in­tro­duc­ing on­line ac­count open­ing, up­on reg­u­la­to­ry ap­proval, so that clients can do more busi­ness with JMMB dig­i­tal­ly, first.”


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