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Monday, March 17, 2025

Labour ministry to have consultations on minimum wage and maternity protection


Joel Julien
1273 days ago
CEPEP workers cut the grass at the San Fernando Interchange earlier this month.

CEPEP workers cut the grass at the San Fernando Interchange earlier this month.


A na­tion­al min­i­mum wage rate was first in­tro­duced in Trinidad and To­ba­go in April 1998.

That first min­i­mum wage was $7 an hour.

Even­tu­al­ly in Jan­u­ary 2003 it was in­creased to $8 hour and then to $9 an hour in March 2005.

In Jan­u­ary 2010 the min­i­mum wage reached dou­ble dig­its for the first time when it was in­creased to $12.50 an hour.

Af­ter a sub­se­quent in­crease to $15 in Jan­u­ary 2015, it was again in­creased in De­cem­ber 2019 to $17.50 where it cur­rent­ly stands.

As a re­sult, no work­er, in­clud­ing mi­grant work­ers should be paid less than $17.50 per hour which is equiv­a­lent to a month­ly salary of $3033.33.

Ac­cord­ing to the Min­i­mum Wages Act Chap­ter 88:04 “a Min­i­mum Wage Work­er is clas­si­fied as any work­er earn­ing an hourly wage of $26.25 per hour or less and by law, these work­ers are en­ti­tled to ben­e­fits such as over­time rates, va­ca­tion leave, sick leave, meal breaks.”

The Labour Min­istry is now seek­ing to have a na­tion­al stake­hold­er con­sul­ta­tion on the Min­i­mum Wages Act Chap­ter 88:04.

“The Min­istry of Labour cor­dial­ly in­vites all stake­hold­ers and in­ter­est­ed per­sons to par­tic­i­pate in a Na­tion­al Stake­hold­er Con­sul­ta­tion on the Min­i­mum Wages Act Chap­ter 88:04. This Con­sul­ta­tion gives you the op­por­tu­ni­ty to share your thoughts and rec­om­men­da­tions for amend­ment to the Min­i­mum Wage Act Chap­ter 88:04 and high­light sug­gest­ed ar­eas for im­prove­ment with­in the var­i­ous sec­tors,” it stat­ed.

The dead­line for sub­mis­sion is Oc­to­ber 20.

The Min­istry of labour will al­so be seek­ing to have a na­tion­al stake­hold­er con­sul­ta­tion on the Ma­ter­ni­ty Pro­tec­tion Act Chap­ter 45:57 with the same dead­line.

In­ter­est­ed peo­ple can sub­mit their writ­ten sub­mis­sions to: The Per­ma­nent Sec­re­tary at the Min­istry of Labour lo­cat­ed at Lev­els 5 & 6, Tow­er C In­ter­na­tion­al Wa­ter­front Cen­tre #1A Wright­son Road, Port of Spain.

For more in­for­ma­tion, vis­it:­sul­ta­tions

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