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Monday, March 3, 2025

TTMB hailed as key to affordable housing


Peter Christopher
346 days ago
Finance Minister Colm Imbert, centre, shakes hands with NIB and TTMF chairman, Patrick Ferreira, left, while Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Bank CEO Robert Green looks on at the launch of the Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Bank at the Hyatt Regency, Port-of-Spain, on Wednesday.

Finance Minister Colm Imbert, centre, shakes hands with NIB and TTMF chairman, Patrick Ferreira, left, while Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Bank CEO Robert Green looks on at the launch of the Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Bank at the Hyatt Regency, Port-of-Spain, on Wednesday.



Many years af­ter it was pro­posed, and over $3 bil­lion worth of col­lab­o­ra­tive hous­ing loans lat­er, the merg­er of T&T Mort­gage Fi­nance (TTMF) and Home Mort­gage Bank (HMB) to cre­ate the T&T Mort­gage Bank (TTMB) has of­fi­cial­ly been fi­nalised.

At the of­fi­cial launch which took place at the Hy­att Re­gency, Port-of-Spain on Wednes­day, Fi­nance Min­is­ter Colm Im­bert said the merg­er rep­re­sent­ed a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone for those seek­ing home own­er­ship, par­tic­u­lar­ly those from low to mid­dle-in­come back­grounds as it would “pro­pel them from be­ing renters at the mer­cy of land­lords to proud own­ers of their own cas­tles”.

The merg­er had been first sug­gest­ed 12 years ago and was agreed to by the com­pa­nies’ re­spec­tive boards three years ago.

“This im­por­tant merg­er, un­der­tak­en by a se­ri­ous Gov­ern­ment, will al­low cit­i­zens to use this fa­cil­i­ty to find vi­able in­vest­ments, mort­gage so­lu­tions, and fi­nanc­ing for com­mer­cial and res­i­den­tial de­vel­op­ment, en­hanc­ing cit­i­zens’ qual­i­ty of life,” Im­bert added.

The fi­nance min­is­ter ex­plained that even be­fore the merg­er be­came of­fi­cial, the two com­pa­nies had col­lab­o­rat­ed to the ben­e­fit of cit­i­zens search­ing for home own­er­ship op­tions.

“Since col­lab­o­ra­tion be­tween the TTMF and the HMB be­gan in 2017, they have com­bined to cre­ate amenable, af­ford­able of­fer­ings that demon­strate their fo­cus on the well-be­ing of cit­i­zens, urg­ing them to ac­com­plish their long-cher­ished am­bi­tion of prop­er­ty own­er­ship.

“Over the last five years, the TTMF and HMB pro­vid­ed home ac­qui­si­tion and im­prove­ment loans in the amount of $3.4 bil­lion, of which $2.2 bil­lion was is­sued un­der the af­ford­able hous­ing pro­gramme,” Im­bert added.

He al­so not­ed the com­ple­tion of the merg­er as well as the re­cent sod-turn­ing to com­mence con­struc­tion of 291 homes at two sites; the old CGA com­pound on the East­ern Main Road in Laven­tille, and Cau­ra Val­ley, El Do­ra­do were great in­di­ca­tors that af­ford­able hous­ing op­tions were on the way.

“Through the ad­vance of funds by the Home Mort­gage Bank (HMB) to the HDC se­cured by mort­gages from TTMF, as of De­cem­ber 31, 2023, the to­tal ad­vanced over the last few years is $470 mil­lion.

“In pre­sent­ing the 2024 na­tion­al bud­get, I pro­posed as­sist­ing the HDC in ac­cess­ing a fur­ther $700 mil­lion loan fi­nanc­ing to ac­cel­er­ate its hous­ing con­struc­tion pro­gramme. This, added to the $1.5 bil­lion al­ready giv­en to the HDC over the last nine months to set­tle debts owed to con­trac­tors, restart stalled projects and ini­ti­ate new green­field projects, will al­low the com­ple­tion of con­struc­tion of hun­dreds of hous­ing units and al­low for the ini­ti­a­tion of con­struc­tion of hun­dreds of more hous­ing units. We have al­ready seen the ben­e­fits of the merg­er,” Im­bert de­tailed.

The fi­nance min­is­ter al­so stood in for Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley at the event, who could not make it af­ter tour­ing the Men­to Plat­form at Trinidad Off­shore Fab­ri­ca­tors Un­lim­it­ed yard in La Brea ear­li­er on Wednes­day.

Patrick Fer­reira, chair­man of the Na­tion­al In­sur­ance Board (NIB), the TTMB said the merg­er would now give more cit­i­zens an av­enue to gen­er­a­tional wealth through home own­er­ship.

“The merg­er with Home Mort­gage Bank af­fords us the op­por­tu­ni­ty to ob­tain fund­ing at low­er rates that will im­prove our mort­gage pric­ing and en­able us to bet­ter com­pete for the mort­gage busi­ness,” Fer­reira added.

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