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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

ANSA McAL supports Khaleem Ali at United Nations Human Rights Council


719 days ago
Khaleem Ali (left) and Sarah Inglefield, ANSA McAL’s Head of Culture and Communications.

Khaleem Ali (left) and Sarah Inglefield, ANSA McAL’s Head of Culture and Communications.

The ANSA McAL Group is proud to sup­port and par­tial­ly spon­sor Khaleem Ali to at­tend the 52nd ses­sion of the Unit­ed Na­tions Hu­man Rights Coun­cil in Gene­va from 5th – 9th March 2023.

A grad­u­ate of the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies and cur­rent­ly pur­su­ing a Le­gal Ed­u­ca­tion Cer­tifi­cate at the Hugh Wood­ing Law School, Khaleem, (24 years) will have op­por­tu­ni­ties to en­gage in train­ing, in­ter­act with world lead­ers and am­pli­fy the voice of the Caribbean in de­ci­sion-mak­ing process­es, par­tic­u­lar­ly around the is­sue of Hu­man Rights.

In 2022, he rep­re­sent­ed Trinidad & To­ba­go in the 11th Com­mon­wealth Youth Par­lia­ment as a Shad­ow At­tor­ney Gen­er­al (Op­po­si­tion) and his over­all skills were laud­ed by mem­bers of the Na­tion­al Par­lia­ment and del­e­ga­tions from across the Com­mon­wealth.

Speak­ing at a spon­sor­ship pre­sen­ta­tion at ANSA McAL’s Head Of­fice, Sarah In­gle­field, Head of Cul­ture and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions stat­ed, “This spon­sor­ship re­flects our own mis­sion of sup­port­ing young tal­ent as we strive to en­cour­age youth lead­er­ship and the at­trib­ut­es of hard work. Khaleem’s up­com­ing con­tri­bu­tion in Gene­va from a Caribbean plat­form should not go un­no­ticed.

He is a bril­liant young man with a bright fu­ture and we are ex­treme­ly proud to sup­port his en­deav­ours”.

The UN Hu­man Rights Coun­cil is the lead­ing UN en­ti­ty on hu­man rights and rep­re­sents the world’s com­mit­ment to the pro­mo­tion and pro­tec­tion of the full range of hu­man rights and free­doms set out in the Uni­ver­sal De­c­la­ra­tion of Hu­man Rights.

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