The Bankers Association is again lobbying for the passage of key legislation which will allow T&T to become compliant with the Global Forum on transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.
During a breakfast seminar held at Funsplash Waterpark in Debe, manager at Republic Bank Amar Ramlogan said the seminar was part of the BATT’s strategy to lobby for the passage of the legislation.
This includes the Income Tax (Amendment) Bill 2019, the Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters Bill (2018) and the Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA) Bill 2018.
Ramlogan said this legislation has been tabled in Parliament but is yet to be debated or passed.
He said T&T is currently deemed non compliant by the Global Forum because of absent legislation.
If the pieces of legislation are passed and enacted, Ramlogan said a peer review will begin and T&T could possibly get a new rating.
If this does not happen, Ramlogan explained that T&T will remain blacklisted. “The country will earn the reputation of being a tax haven,” he warned.
Ramlogan said this will have a negative impact on the economy.
“Not having these standards will affect the nation’s economy as it increases T&T’s susceptibility to instances of financial fraud and financing of terrorism. Government revenues are eroded as a result of tax avoidance and tax evasion. There will be difficulty for foreign firms to engage in business relations and investments domestically,” he said.
Ramlogan said any business with wire transfers and credit card payments that trade finance will impact the local economy and businesses in T&T.
“Because what is happening in corresponding relationships is they are applying enhanced measures in terms of reviewing the wires so we will see wires taking longer time to go out and it will affect our supplier in terms of paying and making purchases online like in Amazon,” he added.
Ramlogan said they planned to complete all meetings with stakeholders by the end of March.
So far the BATT has met with the Hoteliers Association, Employee Consultative association and Penal Debe Chamber
Meanwhile, president of the Chamber Rampersad Sieuraj said T&T’s economy will take a negative hit because of price shocks and the external oil war between Russia and Saudi Arabia. Sieuraj said the COVID-19 virus was also impacting on the economies of the world. He said T&T does not seem capable of dealing with the fallout of the virus noting that availability of generic drugs will also become affected because of a hold on exports coming out of China. Sieuraj called on the government to make a statement on the way forward.