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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Business as usual in San Fernando but some schools affected


Radhica De Silva
2377 days ago

Op­er­a­tions con­tin­ued as usu­al at the San Fer­nan­do Ac­ci­dent and Emer­gency de­part­ment as a full com­ple­ment of staff turned up for du­ty.

Four­teen peo­ple were await­ing med­ical treat­ment and sev­er­al who were in­ter­viewed com­mend­ed the staff for turn­ing out.

Sharon Ram­rat­tan who came out with her son Shi­va said she was thank­ful there was staff to see about her son.

She said there as no traf­fic get­ting in­to the city adding that it ap­peared many oth­er peo­ple sup­port­ed the call by the Oil­field Work­ers Trade Union to en­gage in a day of rest and re­flec­tion.

Licensing Officer Andell Jagarnath supervises students at San Fernando Licensing office.

Licensing Officer Andell Jagarnath supervises students at San Fernando Licensing office.

Kristian De Silva

Bre­do Ramjohn of Princes Town said he came for as­sis­tance in the hos­pi­tal and was seen al­most im­me­di­ate­ly.How­ev­er, there was a poor turnout of teach­ers and stu­dents at many schools. Up to 820 am, no teach­ers turned up at St Pauls AC Pri­ma­ry in San Fer­nan­do.

A source said, "We have no­body here. The school is to­tal­ly emp­ty."

How­ev­er, at the San Fer­nan­do SDA Pri­ma­ry School, mem­bers of the Par­ents Teach­ers As­so­ci­a­tion came out to lend as­sis­tance just in case teach­ers failed to show up.

Out of 270 pupils, a to­tal of 147 stu­dents ar­rived for class­es while 11 out of 15 teach­ers turned up for work.

On­ly 20 pupils came out for class­es at Rosary Girls Pri­ma­ry in Port of Spain but there were no teach­ers. A few teach­ers re­port­ed for work at Rosary Boys but there was no teacher turnout at Rich­mond Street Boys AC.At the San Fer­nan­do Li­cens­ing Of­fice, it was busi­ness as usu­al.

The San Fernando General Hospital today.

The San Fernando General Hospital today.

Kristian De Silva

Four clerks and three li­cens­ing of­fi­cers ar­rived to work at the Dri­ving Test and Reg­u­la­tions de­part­ment, while a fur­ther three of­fi­cers were sta­tioned at the in­spec­tion area.

Li­cens­ing of­fi­cer An­dell Ja­gar­nath was seen su­per­vis­ing about 10 stu­dents. Dri­ving in­struc­tor In­dar Su­chit said while they sup­port­ed the union's call for the preser­va­tion of the Pointe-a-Pierre re­fin­ery, they could not dis­ap­point their stu­dents.

"We know the re­fin­ery clo­sure will dev­as­tate south Trinidad. Many busi­ness­es in South will close down," an­oth­er in­struc­tor Lar­ry Grana­do said.

There is sig­nif­i­cant­ly less traf­fic along South­ern Main Road from Oth­a­heite and along South Trunk Road. Smooth flow on the Cross Cross­ing In­ter­change to San Fer­nan­do. Gol­con­da Con­nec­tor Road is traf­fic free.

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