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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Chancellor Hill murder victim identified


Anna-Lisa Paul
523 days ago
Marvin Joseph

Marvin Joseph

An­na-Lisa Paul

The man found dead on Chan­cel­lor Hill with stab wounds to his chest has been iden­ti­fied. Rel­a­tives of Mar­vin Joseph, 21, are still piec­ing to­geth­er the cir­cum­stances that would have led to his death on the week­end as they ad­mit­ted he was a pri­vate per­son who kept his busi­ness to him­self.

Min­utes af­ter iden­ti­fy­ing his body at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre, St James yes­ter­day – rel­a­tives de­scribed the 21-year-old un­em­ployed man as “nor­mal and friend­ly.”

How­ev­er, a close fe­male rel­a­tive with whom he lived at Sawmill Av­enue, Barataria re­vealed, “He used to be out there at night and I don’t know what go­ing on out there, but oth­er­wise he was nor­mal and friend­ly.”

Joseph’s se­mi-nude body was dis­cov­ered by a fe­male jog­ger ly­ing along a grassy turn­ing at La­dy Chan­cel­lor Hill, Port-of-Spain, around 4:10 am on Oc­to­ber 15.

The clean-shaven Joseph who had long fin­ger­nails, had been clad in a black long-sleeved tank top, black bra, and black tights.

Asked about what kind of per­son Joseph had been, one woman said, “Me and him was al­ways at it.”

In­di­cat­ing they could nev­er agree, she said he nev­er shared any­thing about his com­ings and go­ings with the fam­i­ly and on­ly spoke to his close friends.

She re­called hear­ing of two ear­li­er in­ci­dents in which he had told oth­er rel­a­tives of hav­ing to flee the cap­i­tal city fol­low­ing al­ter­ca­tions with some per­sons who had threat­ened to stab him on each oc­ca­sion.

"He nev­er want­ed me to know about his life out here,” she re­it­er­at­ed.

In­ves­ti­ga­tions are con­tin­u­ing.


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